Part Twelve:Time Together

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I watched as Grace packed her clothes excitedly."You look a bit excited." She looked over to me."How could I not be? I get to spend time with my amazing boyfriend for three weeks without interruption." As she finished saying so someone knocked at the door. I went and opened it to see Thatcher."Hey mate I just wanted to say that was some bloody good planning. You maybe wanna grab a pint before you head off?" Turning to Grace she gave me a thumbs up. We went to the bar which had recently built into base. The two of us drank and exchanged stories about our time in the military."Alright it's about time for me to go catch that flight." He looked over to me chugging his last bit of beer."Alright mate see you soon. Also don't forget to use protection." I laughed a little before heading back to the dorm."Grace are you ready?" I asked picking up my things."Yup let's get going." We packed our things into my car and headed to the airport catching our flight right on time."Can I have the window seat?" She begged with a cute smile."How can I resist?" I moved out of the way and let her sit. Looking around the plane there weren't a whole lot of people so I didn't have to worry about someone next to me. The flight was long but it wasn't boring considering Grace was next to me. When we landed it was cold, leaning a bit over my girlfriend to look out the window I noticed it had snowed. We went and grabbed our luggage before getting the rental car."So where we heading to first?" I asked as Grace drove through the streets of Seoul."We're going to my apartment first and unpacking then we'll head to my parents house for dinner." I'll actually be meeting her parents. Wonder if they'll like me or not. After a short drive we made it to her apartment. It was nice, it gave off an artsy feel to it. We unpacked and began the drive to her parents house."I wonder if Muffin is okay with Ela." Resting my hand on her thigh I reassured her,"He's fine he's in good hands. Only thing I'm really worried about is if your parents will like me or not." She looked at me with a small smile."If I like you they'll like you." Once we exited the car the cold breeze hit my face. I wish this damn beard would grow faster."Remember just be yourself." With a deep breath she knocked on the door. It took a few seconds before a rather short woman opened it."Oh my god Grace! I've missed you!" Her mom squealed in Korean."And who's this young man?" Don't fuck this up. I held out my hand with a smile."It's really nice to meet you I'm Y/N L/N." Her eyebrows rose as she shook my hand."Mom this is Y/N I met him at work." I watched as she looked me up and down."Well come on in. Would you like some peach tea?" Her mom asked which I gladly accepted. Looking around the house it was neat and clean."So how'd you meet my little Grace?" She asked pouring some tea in a cup."Oh uhm we had come across each other in the field. I started working at the same place she did and it went off from there." She handed me the cup and I took a sip enjoying the hot beverage."Grace must like you a lot considering she hasn't had a whole lot of boyfriends." Grace's face turned bright red and I giggled a little."Mom." She whined."Sorry sorry. So Mr. L/N why did you choose my daughter?" There were a lot of reasons but I'll just make things easy."Well there's lots of reason but mainly because she's smart, kind, caring, charismatic, funny and nerdy. Then she's just extremely beautiful how could I not like someone like her?" Her eyebrows rose again."It sounds like you've chosen wisely Grace." We talked and laughed for another hour before my girlfriend decided she was tired."Your baby photos are adorable." I said remembering the photos her mother and I went through."No they're embarrassing." She rubbed her eyes."I still can't forget the one where your front teeth were missing." Geez my girlfriend is cute. When we got to her apartment we rested on her bed together."Your mom was pretty cool." I said looking over to her."Ya she is, other when she embarrassed me." She's not gonna drop that is she?"Come on those photos were adorable." I said moving closer to her. We looked into each other's eyes."You've got pretty eyes you know that?" Grace said resting a hand on my cheek. Removing her glasses, I set them aside before placing a kiss on her lips. Her face lit up bright red making me laugh."Hey no fair you caught me off guard." This made me laugh more as her she crossed her arms pouting."You're to damn cute." I placed another kiss on her lips but this time she kissed back. The kiss grew heated as I slipped my tongue in her mouth. Jesus this woman tastes like heaven. Our tongues swirled around fighting for dominance with me winning. Grace let out a small moan. I could feel myself pitching a tent."We should stop." Not that I wanted to but I have something planned for Christmas. Grace let out a sigh."Don't worry I have something planned for you on Christmas. Just be patient my love. For now let's head to sleep." I laid down on my back as she used my chest as a pillow."Goodnight Y/N." "Goodnight Grace." I could feel she was a bit tense."Is there something wrong." I asked."I just wanted to say, thank you for just being an awesome person. You're really good to me I don't know what I'm the hell I did to deserve a man like you. I really appreciate and love you." My heart feels like it's melted."You love me?" That was the first time she said it."How could I not?" She said with a tired smile."I love you too Grace." We kissed once more before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.
(Author's Note)
I teased you there a little didn't I 😏? Y'all can expect a lemon sometime soon but since I have finals I don't know what my upload schedule will look like. This doesn't mean I'll stop posting because I love this story so far and I'm finishing it. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are excited for the next! Peace✌️!

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