Part Eight:Jealous

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I woke up a good hour later still laying my head on Grace's. The power was still out and the rain seemed to grow more intense smacking against the window hard. Gently I scooped up Muffin and laid him on a pillow where he happily laid. After that I scooped up the beautiful women next to me and carried her bridal style to her bed. The whole way she snuggled up against my chest in her sleep. Once I tucked her in I left the room and began doing some paperwork with Muffin sleeping on my lap. A few minutes into doing my paperwork I heard muffled cries coming from her room. Is she okay? Feeling worried I went in to check in on her. She was sitting at the side of her bed sobbing."Oh h-hey." Grace said smiling through her tears as they flowed down her cheeks. I sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulder."Why are you crying Grace?" I questioned looking down at her."Bad dream about my last boyfriend." She's probably still in a lot of pain from his death."I'm sorry for being such a cry baby-" I nudge her to shut her up."Showing your emotions isn't a bad thing you know? I'm personally not that best at expressing mine but I try my hardest. So if you want to cry I'm here for you." I felt her arms wrap around me before she sobbed into my chest. This is really my first time having to comfort someone crying."I've already m-moved on i-it's just so hard seeing s-someone you loved so m-much pass away in your arms." Hearing that brought back memories I suppressed for awhile. Maybe I could trust telling her."I know what that's like. I trust you not to tell anyone about this Grace because I haven't told a living sole about this. Well believe it or not there use to be a Mrs. L/N." She looked up at me with a tear filled face with a runny nose."Really?" She asked."Ya it's kinda hard to believe huh? We met in the fifth grade and were close friends till eighth grade when I asked her out. We date ever since then and I married her when we were twenty two. She was everything I asked for, we even bought a house together in Washington. One night while I was away getting some groceries I got a call from her that some weird guy was walking around outside. I told her to lock herself in the bathroom and she did. I told her to hang up and call 911 but she said she already did and it'd be awhile considering the closest department was thirty minutes away. After that she heard someone break down the front door. I told her to stay calm and quiet but I guess the guy figured out where she was because he kicked the door down and stabbed her over thirty times. By the time I got home the guy was gone. I rushed in and found her bleeding out on the floor. I held her in my arms as she told me she loved me and that she had a good life. Right then she passed away in my arms. After that I didn't know what to do with myself, without her it felt like I had no reason to exist so I tried killing myself. It was on a deployment, I slit my wrists with a knife and hoped I'd bleed out but my friends found me. After some therapy and council I somewhat moved on from the tragedy. It hurts me thinking about it but I can't go back and change what happened." I've never told anyone about her."I'm sorry to hear that." Grace said hugging me."I guess that's another thing we have in common." I said chuckling."What's that?" Looking down at her I said,"We're both really fucked up." Grace laughed a little."Thanks for being here for me." I hugged her and she hugged back."That's what best friends are for right?" That seemed to kill her mood a little. Did she not want to be best friends?"Alright I gotta go finish my paperwork." Getting up from the bed I felt her tug on my sleeve.
(Grace's POV)
Why won't he just stay with me? Should I tell him? Jesus I don't know what to do. I grabbed his sweater sleeve tugging on it."Yes?" Y/N asked making me feel a little red."Thank you." He smiled, it's so damn cute."That's what friends are for." Friends. I'm gonna change that soon I just need to gather the guts to ask him. Chul asked me out last time and even then I was completely embarrassed. It's just I'm not the greatest when it comes to relationships. All my life I've gotten in fights with boys and competed with them, now one of them wants to date me. God I hate myself but I'm gonna have to ask him at some point. As I stared up at the ceiling I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.
(Third Person)
A few hours later the power came back on and the other operators returned. Ela went to Y/N and Grace's dorm and knocked."Yes?" He asked opening the door."So how'd that little date go for you two?" The man rolled his eyes and leaned against the doorway."It wasn't a date. We just hung out as friends and had some fun at the beach." Ela giggled."Mhm sure Mr. lekkoduch. Anyways you have training in twenty minutes so I'd suggest getting to the shoot house." Y/N sighed and said,"Alright let me just grab my stuff and I'll be there." She nodded and left as he closed the door. He gathered his gear putting it on then grabbed his rifle and handgun before leaving. A few things were running through his head. Should he ask her out, or should he not? He really considered it after the way she was acting but for all he knew she was just wanted to be friends. Once he got to the shoot house a number of operators were there waiting. A short Chinese woman approached him with her hand out to shake which he gladly took."Call me Ying. Today I'll be your instructor. We're having you run a course with some of our operators. You'll be taking lead and over it all showing us what you know. For now just get ready and prepare your team. Also forgot to mention you'll be able to choose who to take with." Y/N looked around at the crowd filled with a mixture of operators from around the world. His eyes landed on one with a gas mask."You what's your name?" He asked."Call me Thatcher." He said,"Alright you're in. What's your name?" He pointed to a SEAL this time."Craig but call me Blackbeard." Y/N then said,"Alright you're in. Monika wasn't it?" He asked pointing to the German."Ja." She smiled knowing he remembered her name."You're in as well. Alright that's all I want." He took the team off to a corner."Okay I know you two know how to get shit done considering you're from the SAS and SEALs we trained similar. But you, where are you from?" Monika then said, "GSG9." His eyes widened a little."Alright then I don't have to worry about you either." After explaining his plan Y/N walked up to Ying."Alright I believe we're about ready." She wrote something down on a notepad before grabbing a stopwatch. The team of four operators stacked on the door of the shoot house. IQ prepared a flash bang as Y/N slightly cracked open the door. She quickly tossed it in before it went off and the operators quickly spilled in shooting three targets. They moved to the next room quickly eliminating all six targets finishing the course. Once they walked out all the operators had shocked faces."That's a new record." Ying said looking at the stopwatch."The kid knew what he was doin. He's a fairly good addition to the team." Thatcher said before shaking Y/N's hand."Okay tomorrow we'll meet up at the gym. We'll be seeing what your hand to hand combat skills are like." He nodded and began to leave as did everyone else except Monika."Hey Y/N wasn't it?" She said stopping him by grabbing his wrist."Ya is there something you need?" Her cheeks were a light shade of pink,"Would you maybe like to stop by my room for some dinner?" He did think she was cute but he still liked Grace but even then he didn't know if she liked him back. He decided to take his chances."What kind of dinner are we talking about?" He said crossing his arms with a smile. Monika's face lit up with a smile as well."Oh well uhm I could make some Zurich ragout." She said with a cute German accent."Sounds good. Which room is yours?" He asked removing his helmet and attaching it to his belt."2b. I guess I'll see you at eight o'clock?" With a rather wholesome smile he said,"Sure thing. I'll bring some wine as well." With that he began walking away until Monika asked,"Do you want to walk me back to my room?" He shrugged and walked her back to her room talking and joking around the whole way back."Thanks I'll see you later tonight." Monika said before sneaking a quick kiss on Y/N's lips before closing the door. He chuckled before heading back to the dorm. Once he went in Grace was sitting on the couch looking rather annoyed."Is there something wrong Grace?" He asked sitting down next to her."It's nothing." She got up with Muffin and went into her room locking it behind her. He wondered what her problem was but decided to leave her alone considering she was pretty angry.
(Grace's POV From When She Woke Up)
I woke up and looked around seeing light from under the doorway. The power must be back on. Wondering where Y/N was I went out and looked around not seeing him. He's probably out getting food in the cafeteria I'll just go meet him. As I walked down the hallway I passed by Ela."If you're looking for your boyfriend he's at the shoot house." God I hate her sometimes. Once I made it there I saw him talking with IQ and decided to listen in."Would you maybe like to stop by my room for some dinner?" She asked him. He's probably gonna say no."What kind of dinner are we talking about?" What? Why did he say yes? Wait why am I angry? We're not even dating yet I'm getting angry when he's going out with other girls. Still how does he not know my feelings? I should've just told him but I guess she beat me to it. Damn it. Feeling like shit I went back to the dorm. After a little while I heard voices outside the door. I looked through the peephole to see Y/N at IQ's door talking. Before I knew it she kissed him. That was enough. I didn't want to see anymore. I sat on the couch holding Muffin."It's to late little guy. Someone already got him before I could." I said as he let out a sad meow. Y/N came in and asked,"Is there something wrong Grace?" I got up and said,"It's nothing." Before walking into my room and locking the door behind me. I cuddled up with Muffin and silently cried.

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