Part Twenty:Home

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(Grace's POV)
The blinding light of the sun shining through the curtains woke me up to a pleasant sight. It was Y/N's sleeping face. He seemed as if he hadn't slept in weeks. Although I have no room to talk because neither have I. The bed just felt so cold and empty without him. Carefully, I stroked his bearded face waking him up. His hand laid atop mine."Good morning." His voice was deep and gravely."Good morning handsome." We shared a kiss before parting and cuddling for a little. His intoxicating scent filled my nostrils. I've missed everything about him. His smell, his voice, the way he holds me, everything he does she seems magical to me. It's like he has me under some trance for him. I can't stop thinking of him and what our future holds."You know I had this dream of you and I. We were back near my home except you had a ring on your finger and a few kids were running around. I kind of want something like that with you." This bastard always knows what to say to get me all flustered."That sounds amazing." We shared one more kiss before the intercom turned on."Will all operators report to the briefing room within thirty minutes." The both of us groaned before getting up. We quickly got dressed before heading over."Operators, thanks to the recent return of the missing four men we've received new intel. Our good man Y/N here stated remembering a White Mask that stood out from the rest. He had a black mask with a gold stripe down it. This is their suspected leader who has been spotted before. We've recently pin pointed in on his location to a warehouse in Los Angeles. The FBI HRT has offered to take charge in this operation but we've also been given the chance. If anyone is willing to tag along, stay in the briefing room, if not you may leave." I looked at Y/N who was sitting next to me and tugged on his sleeve."Let's go back to the room. I don't need you going out again." I don't want him getting hurt again. I just want to spend some time alone with him. He smiled and nodded before we both headed back to the room. Excitement filled me. More time to spend with him doing who knows what."What would you like for breakfast Grace?" Hmm now that I think about I really missed his cooking to."I'd appreciate some pancakes with a side of bacon and orange juice." He put on an apron and gave me a thumbs up. I sat at the counter and watched him cook, staring at his back."You know you look really sexy when you're cooking." His laugh was contagious."Is that so? Maybe I'll have to start cooking more." I laughed more as I felt my cheeks grow warm. Feeling a bit more brave I hugged him from behind."You smell good." My hands rested on his well built abs."Go sit down you perv. I'll be at the table in a second and once we finish eating we can do whatever you want." Well that sounds like fun. As the man of my dreams cooked our breakfast I dove into my thoughts. Having kids with Y/N sounds nice. I'm sure he'd be an amazing father. My day dreaming was interrupted by a plate of food being placed in front of me. As usual, it smelt like heaven. I immediately dug into the fluffy pancakes that were soaked in sweet syrup."This tastes so good." He smiled like a little kid."Who taught you how to cook this good." I questioned before chugging some juice."I'm actually self taught. I'm just amazing at everything." He said sarcastically earning a laugh from me. We both sat and ate breakfast talking, flirting, and the occasional kiss. When we finished he carried me back into bed where Muffin snuggled in between us."Damn cock block." I thought to myself as Y/N peppered his little head with kisses."You look a little jealous." My cheeks felt warm as they turned bright red."I a-am not." I said crossing my arms, pouting a little."You're seriously jealous over a cat?" He teased making my cheeks go a deeper red."You're such a dork." Making me even more red he kissed me before peppering my face with kisses."You're my cute dork though."
————————————————————————Two Day Time Skip
(Third Person)
The operation in Los Angeles was carried out by HRT operatives. It was a complete success. The so called leader of the White Masks was taken alive while his teammates weren't. Interrogators got enough intel to take down the entire White Mask organization. While all of that went down the couple were released from Team Rainbow as were the other operators. The absence of the White Masks meant that there was no need for Team Rainbow. Just as Grace had said she went home with Y/N. Her parents weren't that fond of the idea but they supported her nonetheless. She was excited to visit Y/N's hometown wondering if it was as nice as he described it."Do you want the window seat?" He asked the beautiful Korean woman who was to caught up in her thoughts whilst boarding the airplane."Oh sure." The two sat down and buckled up. The flight was a long ten hours. Although they had movies and music to keep them entertained."What movie should we watch next?" Y/N whispered as it was pretty late and other passengers were sleeping. Grace just so happened to be as well. She had her head leaned on his shoulder. He couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight. Looking out at the window it was dark and cloudy."Passengers we will be landing in approximately ten minutes so will all of you please buckle up and prepare for landing." The sleeping beauty was awoken by the intercom on the plane and stretched."We're gonna be landing so buckle up." She did as she was told. When they landed the two collected their luggage and headed to the parking lot."I've missed this beauty." It was his  mustang. He loaded in their luggage into the trunk before beginning the drive to his home. Grace plugged her phone into the AUX cord and began playing music. As they drove through the empty night streets she rolled down her window feeling the ice cold breeze on her face."Hey Grace we're gonna have to take a ferry to where I live. It's at a small port. It's gonna take about an hour so you should head to sleep." In a protest she said,"No I wanna stay up with you." She looked like a little kid when she pouted he thought to himself."No because you need rest." A small meow emerged from below her feet."And I don't need a grumpy cat either." She rolled her eyes and groaned."Ugh fine. You're lucky you're so damn cute." When they boarded the ferry, Y/N parked the car and reclined his seat. Whilst Grace slept with Muffin he scrolled through photos on his phone. He landed on one. It was of the two cuddled up in bed, her kissing his cheek. When the ferry arrived at the small port he started the ignition and began the drive back to his home. Grace awoke and read a sign on the side of the road."Port Townsend." She read out loud. It only took a few minutes before they arrived at his house. It was a nice blue two story house."Wow you never told me you had such a nice house. How did you afford this?" She questioned mesmerized by the house's size."The CIA pays fairly well." She giggled before helping him with the bags while Muffin rested in her hoodie pocket."Alright that should be it. I'm gonna go get washed up then head to sleep, wanna come with?" A smirk emerged on her face causing him to laugh."No it's to late to be doing that. Now are you coming or not?" He wrapped his arms around her waist. She chuckled and nodded yes."Alright but I need to put Muffin to bed first." He said picking up the cat who seemed to enjoy being held."You're acting like he's a baby." The small cat yawned."Well that's because he is. He's my little baby." Y/N said cradling the small animal. They both headed to his bedroom where he placed the cat on the bed before heading to the shower."I haven't seen his body in awhile." Grace thought to herself as he undressed himself. His abs were way more noticeable but there was a long scar present across them. Tracing her finger along it she sent shivers down his spine. Realizing what she was doing she blushes and apologized."It's alright." With that he pulled down both his pants and boxers before hopping into the shower. She did the same. Y/N got some shampoo in his hands before scrubbing it in her hair."Oooh that feels goood." The two finished washing up before getting in pajamas."What do you wanna do tomorrow?" Grace asked snuggling up to him under the covers."Well I'm gonna show you around and bring you to my favorite diner. It's a 50's vintage one and it's super nice. My parents would bring me there when I was smaller. I still can't forget my mom's voice over the phone when I told her I was still alive. So was my dad. I think you'll like them once you meet them. And I think they'll like you." With a smile she kissed his lips before slowly falling asleep. When morning arrived the sun didn't break through the curtains. Instead dark clouds covered the sky as the temperature slowly dropped. Grace was first to awake feeling energized."Wake up handsome." He only groaned and rolled over. Giggling a little she jumped onto him."Wake up you lazy bastard." He groaned some more before finally getting up."You're a little pest. A cute one though." She climbed onto his back as he got up."Onwards to the kitchen! I require bacon and pancakes my noble steed!" He chuckled and proceeded to make breakfast. Muffin hung out with the lady who sat at the table awaiting her food. After eating and getting ready for the day they got in some warm clothing and headed out. They'd first head to the antique shop. Just like he had said there was an old piano that sat there with a pride of eight hundred dollars. After some deciding he bought the piano."Well that's that. I guess I have to see what's wrong with it and do some repairs." He said as they walked through the small city. The couple walked towards the diner he had talked about and just like he said, it was 50's vintage."Y/N, is that you? I haven't seen you in awhile sweetie." An older woman who owned the diner came out from around a counter."It's nice seeing you Pam." They hugged."And who's this lovely lady you brought with today?" The Korean held out her hand with a smile."Hi I'm Grace." "She's a pretty one. You better keep a tight grip on her." Y/N smiled while Grace blushed."Now what can I get you lovely lady? I already know what you want Y/N. A plain hamburger with a lemonade." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck."You still remember?" Pam smiled."How could I forget? You're like a son to me." He smiled."I would like a plain hamburger as well but with a chocolate milkshake please." The woman behind the counter smiled more."You've got good taste. From what I heard my shakes are pretty good." After eating they decided to head back home."Make sure to come back sometime soon Mr. L/N." Pam said washing a few dishes."Oh I will considering I'm home for good." Her face lit up with happiness."Finally! I was hoping you'd retire from that job of yours. Well stay safe honey." The two left back home where they cuddled with Muffin who demanded scratches."You know, I really love you." Y/N said stroking Grace's cheek."I love you to. What do you say we put Muffin in the other room and you pay me a little attention?" He laughed at her request."Okay but you have to earn it." Rolling her eyes she asked,"How do I earn it?" "By cuddling me." After putting the cat in the other room the couple cuddled."Is it time now?" She questioned."Nope just a little longer." Grace chuckled a little before kissing him."You're such an ass." They kissed once again but more intimately. A few months would pass before they got married and not to long later she got pregnant. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with the name Stella.
(Author's Note)
I hope you all enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you all for reading I will see you in another story! For now peace out!✌️

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