Part Seventeen:Wolves

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(Grace's POV)
It's been two months. Both Ela and I feel like shit. I lost Y/N while she lost Craig. It's been hard. The bed feels cold and empty without him. That damn bastard said he'd come back. Now I'm stuck crying alone with muffin in bed all day. A knock on my door interrupted my sad romance movie binge."W-Who is it?" I asked leaning against the door."It's Ela I have some things for you." Probably something from that asshole Masaru. He keeps trying to hook up with me it's really annoying. I opened the door to be met by my green haired best friend holding a box."What's this?" She handed it over to me. It was kinda heavy."Recently some Navy SEALs passed through where the four had been killed. They've found some of the gear they left behind." The top of the box had a sticker that red"Property Of Y/N L/N". I could feel myself tearing up."These a-are his t-things? Did you get C-Craig's?" She nodded silently. We both began crying. I sat down the box and hugged her tightly."I m-miss him so much." Ela sobbed into my shoulder as I did the same into hers."I k-know but t-they're gone there's n-nothing we can do now. Have y-you opened your box y-yet?" She nodded no and I weakly smiled."How about you g-go get yours and w-we can o-open them together?" She laughed a little between her sobs."Ya t-that sounds g-good." Ela then left to her room while I waited for her on the couch. Once she came back we sat together with our boxes. We opened them to see their helmets, plate carriers, gun belts some cases at the bottom with folded American flags at the top. I pulled out the flag that had a note taped to the side. After opening it I realized it was an invitation to Y/N's funeral ceremony. It was being held in Washington in a funeral near his home. In the invitation there was a small note."I'd really like to see you come if you have the time. Y/N told me all about you and I'd like to meet you. From, Y/N's mother". She wants to meet me? She sounds nice. I pulled out his helmet and looked on the inside to see a photo. It was the one I had given him for Christmas. The one of us at the beach. We looked so happy there. I wish I could just go back to that moment. I stuck the helmet on my head making Ela giggle a little as she did the same with Craig's. I then pulled out his plate carrier and noticed another note. It was in one of the pouches. I opened it and began reading."Grace if you're reading this I'm more than likely dead. I'm sorry I couldn't make it back to you. I just want to say thank you for making my life amazing again. You came to me when life was a total mess and fixed it right up by simply being my friend. You made it even better when you asked me out. I wish we could've had a future together but I guess that won't be the case considering you're reading this. My mother may have invited you to the funeral I'm sure she along with my father will adore you. You can visit my house if you'd like, I think you'd like it. I wish I could've shown you around where I lived it's beautiful. I hope you have a good rest of your life. Just know I'll be watching over you Grace. I loved you more than you'll ever know. From, your big goof". My tears flowed down onto the note. Why did he have to go? I set the note aside and pulled out his gun belt. He always had an expensive taste in gear. I pulled out his knife and inspected it before putting it back. At the bottom laid multiple cases. I gently pulled them out and opened them to reveal his guns but disassembled."I guess this is ours now." Ela said inspecting Craig's gear."I'll be wearing all this form now on." I said putting on all the gear, it all surprisingly fit. After a good half hour I managed to reassemble his guns. I put his Glock in its holster finishing it all off."How do I look?" I asked making Ela giggle."You look tacticool." We both laughed through our pain. I really miss Y/N.
————————————————————————Two Hour Time Skip
"Will operators Dokkaebi, Echo, Buck, Sledge, and Glaz please report to the briefing room. Thank you." I hate how she's knows what I'm going through and still decides to send me out. I threw on some sweats and one of Y/N's hoodies which surprisingly still smelt like him. Once there we all sat down and waited for Six to begin."Alright. We've gotten recent reports that a group of unknown men near the city of Kabul, Afghanistan. The city was once known as the most dangerous city in Afghanistan but ever since this mysterious group showed up things seemed to have calmed down. Don't think they're friendly though. A few Russian contractors caused some trouble nearby and ended getting smoked. They were gonna send in more but we're to scared that they'd be ambushed so they pulled away. Locals describe them as gods or protectors. They are described as all white males, long black or brown beards, wearing Afghan clothing carrying American rifles. We don't know what these men are doing or planning but we need to find out. For all we know they could be working with the White Masks. Locals also stated they ride on horses and mainly live outside the city at a camp but are constantly on the move. I'll be sending you five out to detain these individuals and bring them back here. I have a few questions I'd like to ask them." After what felt like an eternity she finished explaining. We'd have to go into the city, see if we can start up a little fight to lure the group of men in. I eventually got geared up in Y/N's old equipment. We all boarded the C-17 that was waiting for us. I slowly closed my eyes and tried falling asleep as this was going to be a long flight.
The four of us had moved out of the village all healed up thanks to the Afghan farmer. Our clothing was torn up so we he lended us some. With some crappy old Russian AKs we hit a nearby White Mask compound. We gathered some gear and ammo. As the four of us cleared the compound I found some horses. That's how we got around from then on. A month after that we headed to Kabul. It was once known as the most dangerous city in Afghanistan, at least until we showed up. We'd hit terrorist cells at night surprising them and catching them off guard. Every day we'd get in intense firefights but we'd always come out on top. We'd occasionally run across US troops but we kept our distance. Eventually after a month of fighting we managed to clear out it out of all enemy forces. Although we were only a fire team sized element our skill made us worth a lot more than we are."Aye mate you've grown a rather nice lookin beard." Mike Baker said as we all sat around a fire at our camp that sat a good two miles outside of the city."Just gotta blend in considering everyone's got a beard around here. You've got a gnarly one yourself. And is that some grey in there?" I received the middle finger from him making me laugh."Hey Y/N are we gonna be sticking around here for much longer?" Craig asked sitting next to me before chugging a beer."We're leaving tomorrow night. We're gonna hit the city for some food and supplies one last time before heading out. We'll hit a few compounds that are a good thirty miles out. Till then just relax and enjoy the moment." Staring up at the stars Grace slipped into my thoughts. Ya I loved her but I'm over that. Why did she leave me behind? If I were in her shoes I would've left Rainbow and searched the whole world for her. Even if it meant I was by myself. But I have to forget about her. My main focus is getting revenge on those White Masks. I'm gonna kill as many of those fuckers as I can. A nudge on my arm broke my trance like state."Hey Y/N you're going to want to check this out." Tachanka handed me a pair of binoculars and pointed towards the city. I looked to see tracers and explosions. Shit.
(Grace's POV)
We had been dropped off in the city by local police. Our team of five setup in a hotel and began spotting stuff out."Hey I've got something." Glaz said looking through the scope of his rifle. I walked over as did others to the window he was setup at."I've spotted two white masks. Should we head down and greet them?" We all smiled and nodded. After throwing on all our gear we headed down to the street level and opened fire. I shot one hitting his head, he immediately dropped. The other quickly scattered behind a building. As we advanced towards him an RPG struck a car next to us. It sent Masaru flying into a wall. I couldn't care less if he got hurt but I couldn't just leave him. I dragged him to cover before heavy PKM fire came over us. We eventually became pinned down in a small shop. Hopefully those guys show up. More RPG fire hit the shop sending glass and shrapnel everywhere. An eruption of what sounded like a mixture of AK and AR fire started. I stupidly peeked out to only catch a bullet to both my helmet and plate carrier. The gunfire eventually stopped. Did the White Masks pull back? We're they moving towards us? I tried getting up but a burning hot pain in my ribs stopped me. I heard a few voices outside. They sounded like a mix of American and Russian. My vision blurred a little. I could make out a few figures dressed in Afghan clothing. They were all bearded. They pointed towards the unconscious Masaru and began dragging him away. I was gonna raise my gun but one stomped his foot on my chest effectively pinning me down."What're you guys doing here!?" He yelled while pointing his rifle in my face."W-We're here for y-you guys. We're suppose to take you to our base." He pressed his foot harder on my chest squeezing the air from my lungs. This man looked familiar but I couldn't see his face clearly due to my vision."Don't come back here ever again. You're causing unneeded trouble. If I have to come back to you guys I won't be as kind. By the way your Japanese friend here works with the enemy. We're taking him." With that they left with Masaru as my vision slowly faded to black as I passed out.

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