Part Nine:Just Shut Up

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I went out and bought some nice wine before grabbing a bouquet of flowers. After that I put on some nice cologne and headed to Monika's room. My stomach felt like it was tied in a huge knot. I knocked and a few seconds later she answered. My eyes locked with her beautiful blue eyes."Hey these are for you." I handed her the bouquet."Aw thanks you're so sweet." She said before kissing my cheek."And this is for after dinner." She giggled before letting me in. Her room was nicely kept and smelt nice."Is that cologne I smell?" Monika said walking up to me and smelling my neck. My face turned a light shade of pink."Here I'll take this so how about you go take a seat at the counter?" She took the wine and set it aside for now. I watched as she cooked. My eyes slowly scanned down from her shoulders to her rear end. She has a really nice body but not as nice as Grace's. Wait what the hell am I thinking, you're dating Monika now get over her. By the time I was done think she had finished cooking."Smells nice. Where'd you learn to cook?" She poured the warm meal into two bowls."My mother taught me. She's an amazing cook." She served me a bowl before sitting down next to me.
(Third Person)
The two talked and laughed over dinner. Once done they opens the wine bottle and downed glass after glass."Hey can I get another smell of that cologne? It smells nice." Y/N innocently leaned forward only for her to place kisses on his neck. He didn't pull away though. Monika traced kisses up to his jaw before saying,"Hopefully Craig doesn't find out." He quickly got away from her."Wait hold on you're with Craig?" Her face seemed a little worried but she took another sip of her wine."There's nothing wrong with that as long as he doesn't find out." Feeling disgusted he grabbed the wine bottle and left back to his dorm. The room was dark with the only thing lighting it up was the TV. Grace was sitting on the couch eating chocolate ice cream in the hoodie he let her have. He sat down next to her and sighed."How did your little thing go?" She asked sounding a little annoyed."It was actually pretty shitty. It turns out Monika is dating Craig and I'm pretty sure she just wanted to get into my pants. So ya it was pretty shitty." He chugged some of the wine."Are you gonna tell Craig?" The emotionally drained Korean woman asked as she sat the ice cream aside."Of course I am. Anyone with basic human decency would." Growing a bit worried about him she said,"Hey maybe you shouldn't drink that much." "Don't worry I can handle my alcohol." Within a half hour Y/N was passed out on the couch. Grace looked at him with a smile. She laid him down and put a blanket over him."사랑해." She whispered in his ear before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. The sleeping man groaned a little startling her but she calmed down and went to her room with her kitten. At around nine o'clock Y/N was awoken by the intercom outside the dorm."Will operator Dokkaebi and recruit L/N please come to the briefing room." He groaned and got up with a slight headache. Feeling dirty he jumped in the shower quickly, brushed his teeth and got dressed before making his way to the briefing room."Where's Grace?" Six said as he entered alone."She's feeding her cat." As he finished his sentence she entered."Alright now that you're here let's get to it. I have a mission for you two. From
The recent intel we've received from the CIA the terrorist organization behind the bombing in London is called the White Masks. Also from recent intel we've located one of their high ranking members in Seattle, Washington. The reason I called you Mr. Brown is because you have experience in assassination and keeping quiet. I'm gonna have you take him out from his apartment and bag anything that looks important. The reason I called you Ms. Nam is because I need you to cover your tracks and disable any nearby security cameras." The two operators nodded."I already rented out a hotel room directly across from his apartment. I've also rented out a car for you two." After an hour of briefing she finished talking."Any questions?" Six asked crossing her arms. The two stayed silent."Alright you're dismissed. Be ready your flight leaves in an hour. Oh I forgot to mention Doc will be going with you but will stay at the Airport just in case one of you gets injured." They both nodded before quickly going to their dorm."Hey Grace have you seen my hoodie?" Y/N asked looking through his closet."Uhm which one?" She giggled knowing exactly which one."It says forward on it. Hold on, did you steal that one to?" He walked over to her room to see her stuffing it in her suitcase."Really another one? Jesus if I keep staying here I'm gonna have no hoodies." After packing all their clothes they packed their gear and headed to the air strip where a private jet awaited them. Once aboard and with their luggage packed away they slowly fell asleep. When they landed the clouds above were dark."Alright let's get a move on to the hotel it's late."
We got in the rental car and drove to the hotel. Once we got checked in the front desk lady said,"Alright so you're Mr. L/N with the lovers deluxe room is that correct." Of course Six ordered that room."Yes mam that'd be correct." The desk lady then handed us a key before we went off to the room. It was black with red carpeting. Rose petals were laid out on the king sized bed in the shape of a heart. I looked over to Grace who had a light blush on her face."Alright let's get unpacked." I said trying to kill the awkward silence."So you grew up here?" She asked me as she picked off the rose petals form the bed. She remembered."Ya it's really nice. Especially since it's cold here twenty four seven. Hey Grace I'll just sleep on the couch." Her head tilted to the side."It's a king sized bed there's enough room for the both of us. Don't worry I won't bite." I laughed before I finished unpacking and got in some pajamas. Before I went to bed I set up my rifle near the window to be ready tomorrow when I get the shot. Once I laid down Grace turned off the lights."How long do you plan on staying in Rainbow?" Grace said rolling over onto her side looking at me."Not to long actually. The only reason I started doing CIA work was to pay off my brother's chemotherapy. So I'm probably gonna keep doing it till it's all paid off." I said laying on my back. I wonder if Chris is doing okay, maybe I'll visit him when I get some time off."You have a brother?" "Ya he's a cool dude. He was a SEAL for awhile but since he got cancer he was medically discharged. It was our dream since we were kids to join the military it's just his career was cut off short." It's fun looking back to when we were kids."Ya growing up was nice my parents were pretty strict though especially my father. He served in Vietnam for the whole length of the war in the Army then afterwards became a drill sergeant. Ya he was a scary person. He didn't even have to say anything he could just look at you and it was scary." We both laughed a little before a silence fell over us."Hey if you don't mind me asking what were you angry about the other day?" For some reason her face heated up."It w-was nothing." She then turned the other way."Can I ask you something?" Grace asked."Sure what is it?" Wonder it's about."You see there's this guy I have a crush on. I met him back at base. I don't know if he likes me back, what should I do?" I guess she does like someone, doubt it's me."Well if you like them you should say something. Don't just say nothing and expect him to like you back. Make some moves on him, ask him on a date." She laughed a little but it quickly quieted down."But what if he doesn't feel the same way about me?" I'm going to regret saying this aren't I? Fuck it."How could he not like you. You're beautiful, nice, funny, smart and just an overall good person. I'm sure he does like you." Geez I shouldn't have said all that."Thanks maybe I'll ask him when we get back to base." He's one lucky guy to get Grace to like him. As the night progressed it grew rather cold."Hey Y/N is alright if I move closer to you it's getting cold." She wasn't wrong so I agreed and allowed her to move closer. I felt her body press up against my side and her head rest on my chest. Her arm moved across my chest hugging me."Thanks, I feel warm now." Cuddling felt nice. It's been awhile since I've been doing any of this. My eyes felt really heavy as I soon drifted off to sleep. The dreams I had were about Grace and they were rather, intimate. Once I woke up I looked down at the sleeping woman in my arms. It's kinda saddening knowing I won't be holding her like this and someone else will. Oh shit ya huh we have to take out that dude."Hey sleepyhead it's time to wake up." I said nudging her a little."Mmm five more minutes." She snuggles in closer to me warming my heart but we had a mission."Grace we have a mission to get done now get up." The tired woman got up groggily before quickly preparing herself for the day and as did I. Once done I opened the window and set up my rifle but made sure my barrel wasn't sticking out. That'd make it obvious where the bullet came from. As I set up on his window I looked at the picture of the target."Oh what do you know, his window is remote controlled." Grace said pressing a few buttons on her tablet. I watched as his window slowly rose. Damn this girl is smart. Eventually the target came into my crosshairs. I switch off the safety and slowly squeezed the trigger sending a round through the side of his head. The wall next to him was painted red. I collected the bullet casing stuffing it in my pocket before packing all our stuff into the car and heading to the target's complex. We picked the lock to his apartment and entered. I grabbed a phone and laptop stuffing them into a backpack while Grace grabbed files."Alright let's get out of here." As I said so I heard a beeping noise coming from under the bed."Shit. Get down!" I pushed Grace into another room before I was flung into a wall and my vision went black.
(Grace's POV)
My ears rung as the dust settled. I looked around and didn't see Y/N. I went to the room of the blast and found him slumped up against the wall bleeding profusely. A piece of metal rebar had impaled his stomach. Shit this isn't good."Y/N! Stay with me come on!" I grabbed the intel, slung it over my shoulder, and carried Y/N in a fireman's carry. He was heavy but I dealt with worse. We had to get out of here ASAP. I got us to the car and laid him in the backseat before beginning to drive to the airport. He doesn't look to good. He can't die, I can't lose someone again. I pulled out my phone and dialed up Doc."Yes Ms. Nam?" "Y/N is injured bad and we're on our way fast to the airport be ready!" Looking back at him he looked pale. This is bad really bad. I sped through the morning streets as fast as I could. Once we got there to a hangar Doc loaded him onto a stretcher with a few other EMTs. They took him away to a room where they could treat him. In what felt like hours they finally finished and were able to transport him. Except he had to be transported in a separate plane than the one we landed in. I hope he's okay, I can't lose someone, not again. I couldn't help but cry the whole flight back to base. When we arrive Y/N was taken to Doc's medical room where he could rest. I sat next to his bed as he laid asleep."Hey thanks for what you did back there. You really saved my ass from that bomb." More tears streamed down my face."I'll repay you somehow once you wake up but for now just rest easy." I laid a gentle kiss on his forehead before sitting back down on the chair and falling asleep.
(Third Person)
Y/N's eyes slowly cracked open as he woke up."Ah you're awake Mr. Brown. How are you feeling?" Doc said approaching the bed."Like hammered shit." Doc got a small laugh before saying,"Okay do you remember what happened?" "Ya I had pushed Grace out of the way from a bomb and took the full blast and hit hit with some shrapnel." The Frenchman wrote some things down."I'll prescribe you some pain killers before sending you to your room to rest." Doc then looked over to the sleeping Korean next to the bed."You know you have a real keeper here. She stayed with you the whole two days you were asleep." Y/N looked to his side seeing her. Her hair wasn't braided like usual but down by her shoulders. A weak smile formed on his face."I'll be back in a few." Doc then left the room. The weak man gently moved his hand onto Grace's leg nudging it awaking her."You're awake!" She said hugging him carefully."Doc said you were here the whole two days I was out. Is that true?" Her face turned a light pink."I'm just joking. I would've done the same." Before he knew it she was sobbing into his chest."I thought I lost you." She said squeezing his shirt."Well I'm here aren't I. Also did you ask that guy yet?" Now was the time."That guy is right in front of me." Grace explained with a slight giggle. Y/N's face turned red."I like you a lot, possibly even love you. Would you maybe like to go on a date with me when you're all healed up?" A very happy smile was seen on his face."Of course." He then gently pulled her into a kiss. It was as if a bolt of lightning had run through them. The kiss felt amazing."I feel the same way." He said before patting the bed."Lay down with me." So she did and carefully snuggled up to him."So did you really stay two days here with me?" He asked making her blush."Just shut up and let me cuddle you."
(Author's Note)
Whew that was a long chapter. I'm thankful for all the new readers and votes I'm receiving. I hope all of you enjoy as this story progresses! See you in the next chapter! - The Author

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