Part Eleven:Competition

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(Unknown POV)
I walked into the office I was told to."Who are you and what do you want?" The White Mask leader asked."I work with Team Rainbow and I'm willing to help you out." The leader's face grew wide with a smile."Let me guess there's a catch?" He asked crossing his arms."I'm gonna need you to do something for me." "And what would you like us to do?" I knew exactly what I wanted."I want you to kill someone for me."
My eyes cracked open as the morning light streamed through the curtains. Looking to my side Grace laid in my arms. I don't remember going to sleep with her in my room. Gently I nudged her waking her up."Good morning beautiful." A small tired smile formed on her lips."Morning handsome." We both closed the gap between us with a kiss."Did you by chance sneak into my room last night because I don't remember going to bed with you missy." A small blush made it's way to her cheeks."What am I not allowed to want to sleep with my boyfriend?" I swear this girl is adorable."You could've just asked me. You can sleep in here with me if you'd like." She giggled which was cute as usual."I'd love to." We stayed in a comfortable silence cuddling."Hey Y/N?" I looked down at her as she looked up at me."Yes Grace?" She seems a little nervous."Uhm we usually get a break for Christmas and I was wondering if you'd want to come with me to Korea?" I haven't been to Korea in awhile."Sure sounds nice. What do you plan doing there?" She seemed to grow more nervous."I'm going to see my parents. I usually do every Christmas." Sounds kinda fun."Cool I can have fun and spend time with you then meet your parents." Her eyes widened a little."You'd be willing to do that?" Laughing a little I said,"Of course. I'd do anything for you." She laughed a bit and hugged me close."You're so damn cheesy." "Only for you." Looking at the time I noticed it was about time for us to get up."Alright it's time to get up." I tried getting up but Grace just pulled me down."Five more minutes." She pleaded."No because those five minutes will turn into an hour. We need to get out of bed plus we have to get our things ready for our training exercise later." With an exaggerated groan she got up and went to the bathroom."Do you mind making some pancakes?" She yelled from the bathroom."Can't we just go to the cafeteria?" I asked not feeling like making food today."But your food tastes better." Damn she knows how to pull at my strings."Alright those pancakes will be done by the time you're out." As soon as I finished cooking, out came Grace from the bathroom."Smells like heaven." At least someone compliments my cooking."I'm glad you think so now eat up." I continued cooking my breakfast which was an omelet. Once we finished eating we readied our gear for later."Hey I got a message from Ying, we got a briefing for the exercise." I said checking my phone. We both headed to the briefing to see about every operator in the room."Alright this training exercise will be preparing you guys for ambushes. It will be a slight competition. One side will be OPFOR and the other side are friendlies who are attempting to make it back to base. The winner of the exercise gets an extra week off for Christmas break." Everyone looked around whispering. Ying showed us the route of the exercise and which way the friendlies would be heading."Now who's willing to volunteer to be OPFOR?" Nobody raised their hands. Why the hell not might as well go for it, I raised my hand."Alright Mr. L/N since you volunteered I'll allow you two choose who you'd like." Well this'll be fun. Looking around my eyes landed on the usual two operators. Thatcher and Blackbeard."I'll choose you two." Everyone looked confused."Really just them two?" Looking over to a bulky Russian I pointed to him."You what's your name?" He looked up at me through a slit in his green helmet."Call me Tachanka my friend." "Alright I choose him as well and that'll be it." Ying chuckled."Alright I sent the map to all of your phones so I suggest you all get planning." Grace came over to me with a sad puppy look on her face."Why didn't you choose me?" She whined crossing her arms like a child."I work well with Thatcher and Blackbeard and probably Tachanka as well." She pouted more."What do I distract you?" I laughed a little."Well when you're so damn cute it's hard not to be distracted by you." Her cheeks flared red."Even if we win I'll ask if I could have those three weeks off with you in Korea. So then you have extra time with your family." The little lady hugged me tightly squeezing the air out of my lungs."You're to damn nice. I'll see you later I guess." I watched as she walked away to her large group of operators."Let's head to the roof and discuss this." The four of us headed to the roof."Alright I think I have a pretty solid plan. We're gonna setup a V shaped ambush. There's this part of the road the has a bit of a steep climb, two of us will set up on each side. I'm gonna set up a mine and it'll hit the main vehicle halting the convoy. Tachanka you're gonna light them up with your LMG forcing them to disembark from their vehicles. I'll have set up claymores around the area that they'll run into when going for cover that Thatcher will remotely detonate. Blackbeard and I will be picking them off with our rifles."
(Grace's POV)
After what felt like a good thirty minutes of planning we finished but Y/N was still gone. He must still be planning. I don't know how he thinks he's gonna win but we'll see how it goes. The rest of the day Y/N was with his team preparing while I finished watching Tokyo Ghoul. Eventually the time came. Not going to lie I'm kind of nervous. I don't know what that man has up his sleeve but it has a me a little worried. We all got in our gear and went out to our starting point where vehicles waited for us. It was about pitch black out and none of us had NVGs so the only thing that lit our path were the headlights. My car was second in the convoy. As we drove the lead car was flipped upside down by a simulation mine. Right then a storm of bullets came over our vehicles forcing us to get out. As I did so I followed Mute to the tree line before he took a simulation round to the head sending him to the floor. A few other operators dropped to the ground struck by rounds before we finally made it to the tree line. What the hell I didn't expect this. I could hear the other operators panicking as what to do. Before I could say anything claymores went off eliminating most of the operators leaving only three of us. This is bad, really bad. Eventually the intense fire from what I assume was Tachanka's LMG stopped. Maybe they pushed back. Ash who was next to me peeked from her spot only to take a round to her forehead. Jesus that must be Y/N. I need to move but I know he's fixed on my position. Looking to my left I saw Doc low crawling towards me but only to take a round to his head. That shot was louder than the other. There must be two snipers. Shit. Knowing my situation there was only one outcome, but I'm not going down without a fight. I emerged from the trees emptying my MK14 in there general direction. Two rounds then struck my chest sending me on my back. All friendlies had been eliminated. Ying had been watching this unfold via drone. She drove out into the rode with Six both with shocked expressions. Y/N and his team walked down from the hill looking cocky."Holy shit you managed to take down practically all of Rainbow with only four men." Six said with a slight smile and he nodded."I'd like to welcome you to Team Rainbow as a new operator. Also you four won that extra week off. Goodnight men." The two women entered the car they arrived in and drove back to base. All the operators that had been eliminated groaned on the floor sore including me. Y/N came over and picked me up."Did you really have to shoot me twice in the chest? It hurt." I whined."Well you started shooting at us almost hitting me. I'm not just gonna sit there." He carried me back to base as a clean up crew showed up to clean up the mess he had made. When we got back he took me to Six's office."Yes Mr. L/N?" She asked as we entered."Uhm about those three weeks is it alright if I take Grace with me on those three weeks?" She had a blank expression worrying me."Sure but be sure to be back after Christmas Day." I screamed happily mentally knowing I'd spend a whole three weeks with my boyfriend in Korea. After thanking her we headed to our dorm."Well that was fun." He said removing his gear and putting it all into a cubby in his room. I removed mine as well doing the same except in my room. Muffin meowed before hopping into Y/N's arms."Damn Mufifn you don't ever greet me like that." The cat stared at me before nuzzling into my boyfriend's neck. Boy do I love those two.

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