The List

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I woke up today, as usual, I got dressed, brushed my teeth, etc

Today was different though because there were FLYERS made by Oliver to have a team meeting right when we woke up 

Chase and I had an update on the problem at hand

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I walked downstairs.

"oh!!! girl!" Bree said. everyone turned to me.

"yes, yes. sometimes I dress like a hot mom." I said as I did a 360 to show my outfit "Are we still on for movie night? we have the whole theatre to ourselves" I asked Kaz and Oliver

"oh no, Kaz and I can't. we're training" He answered

"aw. " I said pouting. I laughed "its cool. but we HAVE to watch the new Galack Attack movie when it comes out next month" Oliver and Kaz high-fived me

"yes. YES. I'm so in!" Kaz said

"and this time we can wear Green Lantern-Green!" Kaz, Oliver, and I put our right hands, together in the air.


"ATTACK" Oliver and I said


"ATTACK!" we separated our hands and danced around. 

"argh. I thought you moving in meant I would get a sister, not another boy." Bree said

"you have me!" Skylar said

"I rest my case"

"I can watch that movie with you later. if you want" Chase said.

"yeah of course."

"is he gonna do it too?" Oliver asked me.

"do what?" Chase asked

"oh well whenever we watch a movie, we always dress up WAY too nice for it." Kaz said

"Yeah, and I wear a dress. " I added

"The only times she wears dresses is when she had her Bat Mitzvah and these movie days." Kaz said laughing

"and we wear tuxes." Oliver said, Pointing and Kaz and him.

"and the one time Kaz was sick, I wore a tux and Oliver wore a dress" we all laughed but Oliver

"hey! I felt pretty!" 

"Okay, team meeting time. Thank you all for coming." Chase said

"We live here. Did you really have to post flyers in the kitchen?" Bree asked

"That was Oliver's idea."

"And I think the attendance speaks for itself." Oliver added

"Anyway, we have an update about our plan to warn all the superheroes about Roman and Riker. By using Kaz's computer password from Mighty Med, we were able to access the encrypted superhero communications network." Chase said

"It's a secure way for superheroes to message each other without exposing themselves to the outside world." I added "It's also a great way to share recipes. Red Assassin loved my banana muffins." 

"The network has gathered the locations of all remaining superheroes. It took some time since most of them use civilian cover identities to live undetected." 

"what's your point?" Bree asked

"My point is, now that the list is complete, we can warn all the superheroes if Roman and Riker are trying to hunt them down." 

"Hey, Crossbows on here. She taught me everything I know about being a superhero. She was my first real friend on Earth." Skylar smiled "he's living undercover right here in Centium City. I can't wait to see her. It's been years."

"Sorry, Skylar. No meeting up with superheroes. We never know who's watching. We can't take the chance of exposing their true identity." Chase said

"But Crossbows in danger." 

"Every hero is in danger. That's why using the network is the safest option. We can get the word out to everybody at once, and confirm when they receive it." I put my hand on Skylar "dont worry we will take down the Bitchy Brothers" Chase snorted "you will see her soon but for right now, we have to be safe"



"Hey, did Crossbow get her message yet?" Skylar asked

"Uh, no. But a lot of other superheroes have. The system's working, and it is all thanks to Match Head." Kaz called himself

"All you did was give Chase your password, which you only remembered because you copied my password so you didn't have to remember one." Oliver added

"And it worked."

"Something's wrong. She should've checked in by now." I said

"Don't worry, I'm sure Crossbow will get her message soon."

"And what if she doesn't? She's here in Centium City. Roman and Riker could be tracking her down just like they did with us." Skylar said

"Look, I've done the math, and this is the best way to spread the word. There's a 98% chance that the message will get to her." Chase said. I elbowed him

"Which means there's a two percent chance that it won't." Skylar walked away.

Kaz started counting his fingers

"hold on..." he nodded "yeah that's right"

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