Saving Lizzy

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Kaz's Pov

"come on, put her on the top, on the top!" 

everyone yelled as they lied Lizzy's body on a table back at Davenport Tower.

 Leo and I were holding her up as she was entering and exiting consciousness.

"Liz? come on wake up" I said looking at her.

Skylar and Bree wouldn't stop crying

"Liz, sweetie?" Her Uncle asked. every superhero looked at her

"what do we do?" Chase asked. 

everyone shrugged

"she's always the one who figures out what to do" Bree added

"...Maybe she still can" Douglas said

"what do you mean?" Skylar asked

"what if we inverted her powers. "

"oh! like using her powers to start them up again" Oliver smiled

"as in what? drown her? burn her?" Douglas nodded at my question

"essentially, yes"

"no way, it could kill her!" Leo said

"but it could also work" Oliver added. I looked at him

"Oliver, what was her dad's dying wish?" I asked him

" protect her" 

"that's right. to protect her. and now what? we decide to burn her lungs out and she's supposed to come alive?" I yelled. her uncle put a hand on my shoulder

"can I talk to you?" he asked me.

I nodded. 

we went to the side.

"you seem to really care about my niece. correct?" 

"very much" I replied

"so you know her well enough to know she would want to try this" I huffed

"what do you mean"

"without her, Centium City is toast. and she wants to protect this city. with her LIFE" I nodded


"So? we need to do this" I looked down

I hesitated 

"...okay" I replied. we walked back to everyone.

"....what element was she most in touch with?" Douglas asked. Oliver answered

"well, it depended on her mood. " I continued

"if she was happy, air. if she felt calm, water. but if she was angry she could burn someone alive. the one she was born with though is air."

"wait... what about earth?" a superhero asked

" well she loves earth but hates using it" Oliver said

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