Power Play

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after Chase and I gave Skylar the coal to heal her, we went downstairs through the Hyperlift and went to check on her.

we walked to her with flowers. she turned around.

 there were black veins on her face and she looked pale.

really pale.

we all gasped.

"What's wrong?" Skylar asked

"Uh, pfft... Nothing. You're just shockingly beautiful. Like so beautiful, I have to look away." I said turning around

" None of my powers have kicked in yet. I don't think the serum did anything." Skylar said to the three of us

Chase ran to Oliver and me

"Her body is rejecting the serum." I said

"yeah! The coal must be deteriorating her organs from the inside out."

"So are you telling me, we just... killed her?" Oliver asked

Chase and I nodded


I ran upstairs to get Skylar some water and I see Kaz hiding a pig.

"Kaz you've always wanted a pig!!" I smiled. Kaz started shaking his head

"I told you no pig!" Bree yelled at him. I started walking to the Hyperlift

"I can see you are busy" I ran 

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