Part Two

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Next Day

"phew! I'm so happy this mission is done" Kaz said as The Elite Force ran into Davenport Tower.

"I know!" 

"I'm happy we and Mighty Med got justice" they all agreed, they started to go upstairs

"...Everyone stop!" everyone stopped and turned to me

"what is it, babe?" Kaz asked

"none of us are sleeping until we find Rodissius. it's not a job well done until we catch him" I said

I walked to the kitchen to grab my wallet.

"coffee run and then we go find Rod." I said. they all nodded

"Dunkin' or Starbucks?" Oliver asked

we walked out


we're in the car. and we're going to the farther Dunkin'

"So what's the plan?" Kaz asked from the back

"We could chase after him... I mean he is just a dude" Bree said

"We need to take away his power source" Chase answered

"who's? Rod's? that dude is so far out of town-" Oliver stopped while looking in the distance. we turned to where Oliver was looking

"Rod." I clenched my jaw. I stopped the car and jumped out. "Everyone out. Oliver and Kaz, we will distract him. I want you two to go around the building and jump on him so we can cuff him" 

they nodded.

we chased after him.

 he tried running away. 

he got a leg cramp. 

 we tried not to laugh

"God Damn leg!" he yelled to himself. we ran to him

"come here, shithead!" Bree angrily said


and just like that, Oliver and Kaz flew onto him

"OW!" he said "you unbearable children!"

"But we still cute" Kaz said acting like a baby. I cuffed Rod

"Chase, call the FBI head source" he nodded

"got it" he picked up his phone.

I picked Rod up and sat him against the wall of the building.

 I laughed to myself

"what's so funny, Child." 

"it's just so heartwarming to know that..." I squatted down to him. "you expected this big murderous spree of civilians and superheroes-" he budged 

"I just wanted to kill you!" he yelled. I laughed and looked down.

"But you didn't" I said in the Vine voice. I looked at him straight in the eye. "you managed to kill my dad, my brother, my mom, some of my best friends... and somehow you didn't get to kill me. that must be the worst feeling" I said, softly "you want to know why I wasn't killed?" he growled

"why not?"

"Because I'm a lot stronger than you think." I continued

"I might just be a kid, but nothing can bring me down. just look at what you did. you killed my family and friends." I smiled at him. "It just made me stronger." 

Bree and Kaz laughed

The FBI cars came.

"have fun in prison. I'm going to be here... finally free." I walked away

"of what?!" he yelled at me. "you stupid child! YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE FROM MY REIN-!" I heard Rodissius groan and a thud

Kaz definitely kicked him in the face


August 20th

Packing Day + Bree's Birthday

I was in my room packing everything up.

I was on my last box.

I just had to tape it together

 it sucked knowing I was about to leave Davenport Tower.

I really enjoyed being here in Chicago.

especially with Oliver and Kaz.

I heard a knock on the door

"Come in!" I said. Kaz opened the door "hey, sweetie" He kissed my cheek.

"ready to go?" he asked

"...almost" he nodded

"do you need a minute?"

"no. I will from my childhood home though" we laughed

"We all will" I looked around

"let's go."

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