Prison Sentence

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I woke up today around Five Thirty to go bike over to Kaz and Oliver's apartment

I just wore something a little cute but simple.

so I wore my summery dress since it was still a little warm in NY.

I also added some black Doc Martens and jewelry

I grabbed my things and went to the floor's lounge center to get some coffee.

I walked in and went to the coffee machine

"argh, who makes coffee like this?" I growled at the premade, unstrong coffee, that was before me

"I do" I heard someone say. I turned 

"of course you do" I growled again towards James "why are you awake?" I asked

"I felt like it. funny seeing you here" he said. 

I turned back to the machine.

took out the good black coffee and made some

"it's not actually because I live on the floor" James laughed

"I'm aware" 

"So what's your point, JAMES" I put a joking sound on the emphasis of James

"what's so funny about my name?" he asked, I turned. he was right in front of me

"Jesus dude, back up" he smiled 

"I asked you something" he repeated

"yeah, and I gave you an order" I said pushing him back

"an order? what are you? a Sergant?" I shook my head

"no, I just grew up with that kinda stuff"

"don't say sorry, I'm sorry I didn't listen" I nodded.

"It's whatever" I smiled. I walked to the vending machine and put in five dollars "want anything? on me" I asked. he nodded

"wanna get me some sour skittles?" I laughed and pressed B4.

"I love sour skittles" 

"haha really?"

"Yeah, they're much better than regular skittles" he laughed

"Exactly! Mason and Benny don't understand" We laughed "what are you getting?" he asked

"I'm going to meet some friends so I have a list of stuff to get." I read out my list "Bree wants Red Vines. She's kinda basic" I said turning to James "Skylar wants Peanut MnM's, Kaz wants Milk Duds, and Oliver wants-" I heard a phone ring. 

"not mine" I nodded and ran to the coffee machine for my phone. 

"Hello Caller,  you just got lucky enough to hear Ms. Elizabeth Greene In her perfect action as the hottest and most bad bitch, what's up" James laughed as I answered the phone, I put him on speaker

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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