Holding Out For A Hero

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today Chase and Mr. Davenport started working with Kaz and Oliver to control their powers better. 

for once, Kaz was better at Oliver for something.

and Oliver got really jealous. 

he came up to me after their class

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Oliver asked

"Yeah, of course, what's up?" 

"Kaz was better at me in training" I laughed

"so?" Oliver gasped

"so?! I'm angry!" I really tried to contain my laughter. "hey, hey! stop it, it's not funny" he said pointing at me. I used magic to move his finger away from my face. he squealed

"STOP!" you're better than Kaz in like everything else!" he sat next to me "school, you're taller, you respect women more... just not their privacy." he glared at me "So what if he's a natural?" he nodded

I turned in my chair

"I'm not helping y-" I started

"and you're going to help me"


on the way to talking to Chase, i became really anxious.

"Uh, hey, Chase. Uh, can we talk? Smart guy to smart guy?" Oliver said.

 Chase looked up at me. 

I looked at my shoes.

 he also looked down then smirked at Oliver.

"Well, we can talk smart guy to smartest guy. What's up?" Chase answered

"I'm just... not getting this whole superhero thing." 

"Yeah, me neither. We've mean over this. Magic witch pebble, woohoo!"

"No. I mean, when I used my Cryo Blast to freeze the black swarm, it worked perfectly. But, earlier today, I was–"

"A dud?" I added. he turned to me

"I was gonna say–"

"A failure?" Chase said. I laughed

"No. I was thinking–" Oliver tried to continue

"A complete and utter disaster?" I added

"Would you two let me finish?! It's weird. I mean, in school, I always picked up things quickly, but for some reason, I just– I can't figure these powers. Something's off."

"I think I know what's off." chase walked to Oliver "Your world is upside down because you're usually the 'B' student and Kaz is the 'D' student. It's psyching you out that he's better at this than you."

"What? No, that's crazy. He is not better than me, despite all the overwhelming evidence that says otherwise. I just need your help." I laughed

"Okay. Maybe you just need some practice. Or we can focus on one of your other powers. It might be easier for you."


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