"Ready To Go?"

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Six A.M.

August 24, 2016


I woke up really early to get my brothers ready for school, with lunches and such.

I always hid chips in my room so I ran up to get them

Skylar was still sleeping on the air mattress.

"Wow. I hate to say it but Oliver is right, she sleeps prettily." I laughed to myself

 I looked over to my bed which Bree was sleeping on.

"Bree?" I whispered. I pulled back the blankets. "she's gone." I whispered to myself as I saw a make-shift pillow person on the bed. "damn it"

 I walked around the house and went to my brother's room

I heard giggling. 

I put my ear to the door.

"Eric, stop it!" some girl is giggling. I went to Eric's door and opened it

"BREE?!" I whisper screamed. she covered her body with the blanket. "I see you" she uncovered her head

"I'm sorry" she said. 

I pretended to have a sad look on my face.

 I looked up at her and smiled

"I'm not" I said. Eric and Bree look at each other


"what?" they ask

"Eric has been screwing around since grade school. he needs someone to ground him" I laughed. Bree and Eric smiled

"Thank God."  Bree said. I nodded

"but you need to get up because my brothers have school soon and will see you" Bree nodded.

"Thanks, Liz" I smiled

"no problem" Bree went to our room. I looked at my brother

"what?" he asked

"do fuck that up, Eric." he laughed

"trust me, I won't." I went to leave. "wait!" my brother said. I turned to him

"...what does it mean when she says I'm her yellow?" he asked. I smiled

"she likes you" I replied

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