Follow The Leader

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Perry looked at the tunnels

"why don't you go through there?" she asked

"I would but I don't know how to get in. plus, I can't stop them for me. they are gonna do great without me" I said with my smile on my face

"no, they arent." Perry said opening the tunnels. "let's go!" She said. I ran into the tunnels with her


"Liz? How did you get out... I mean... Where were you?" Chase asked

"we were stuck in mission command. We had to escape through the underground tunnels." I answered

"Well, what's she doing here?" Chase

 "Queen's Gambit and I are besties now. Deal with it." Perry said

"The tunnel's coming down!" Bree yelled

"Liz!" Oliver and Kaz yelled


"oh my god, oh my god." I said panicking

"Come on! best friend, blast us out" I sat down. 

I'm about to have another panic attack.

the last one I got was when Ms. Jameson found me.

I got them a lot as a kid but especially when my dad died.

"no! It isn't stable. The only thing preventing this tunnel from collapsing is this pile. Blasting us out is a terrible idea."  Chase looked at me

I started dry heaving.

I can barely breathe.

I can feel my heartbeat racing

 I'm getting dizzy.

I started shaking.

I cant feel my muscles.


another panic attack.

I took my shoes and socks off.

(ATLA reference) I see best with my feet bare.

I started counting my toes and I took a breath each toe counted

Chase walked to me.

"Would you stop!?" he said. I went to whisper 

"I just get really bad panic attacks sometimes and when Kaz and Oliver are in danger they heighten so I-. um, might get one now. and one way I learned to relax is counting my toes" I smiled "Kaz usually help me through these" I paused "Kaz and Oliver are all I have left" He looked at me

"what about all your brothers?" I looked down

"I'm kinda not comfortable talking about it"  Chase rolled his eyes "I'm sure the team will find a way out" I said

"no, they won't" Perry said

"Perry!" Chase and I said. he separated

"I feel horrible, Chase. You wouldn't even be stuck here if you weren't trying to save our lives." I said

"Don't feel that bad. He's the one that locked you in mission command." Perry said. my eyes widened. I looked at Chase 

"What?! What is she talking about?" I asked him

"Yeah. What are you talking about?" Chase asked

"You purposely locked her in so that you could go on a mission without her and be leader again." Perry repeated. I looked at him

" Is that true?" I asked

"Come on, you're gonna believe a chronic liar?" he answered

"I resent you calling me a chronic liar, and so would my nephew Abraham Lincoln." 

I walked closer to Chase. 

almost tears in my eyes.

"I'm gonna ask you one last time, Chase. Is it true?"  I said, looking at him

"Yes, it's true." He said, looking down. 

"and I felt like such a bad person" I said "do you really have so much pride, so much resentment towards me that you'd do that!?"

 " No! What, did you watch the security footage?" He asked Perry

"Nah. I completely guessed. I had no idea but now I know you're just as bad as me. I also thought, what would I do if I was Chase, and was threatened by an amazing, vastly superior Bender and superhero? You really could be my son."


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