Karaoke Bar

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I started getting ready with Skylar and Bree.

and after the whole thing with Chase, 

they felt really bad so they let me put together their outfits

"are you sure you're up for this?" Skylar asked. I nodded

"with everything going on... I could really use this" there was a long silence. i was combing though Skylar's and Bree's clothes

"so..." Bree said

"what did you see on the videotape that Ms. Jameson made you" I opened my eyes widely

"uh... nothing special" I said

"yeah sure." Bree said

"Okay fine, you know how shes a psychic? same as me" Skylar nodded

"you're a psychic too?!" Bree asked.

"we are different types of psychics. she's more 'sees love and future jobs'.  while I'm a spiritual psychic who sees stuff like your aura" Bree nodded

"awesome". I picked out their outfits and handed it to them.

"oh my god!!" Skylar said

"yeah, that! you need to make all of my outfits!" Bree added. I laughed

"haha thanks guys"

once we were ready, we got into The Van.

 Bree was in front with me and Skylar was in between us.

Leo, Kaz, and, Oliver went in Leo's car


"Guys..." I said. Skylar and Bree looked at me "I think Im in love with Kaz" they gasped

"WHAT!?" they screamed

"dude! Im driving"

 "sorry... WHAT!?" they did again

"earlier today, i watched the videotape"

"i knew it!" Skylar pointed

"and she told me to close my eyes and imagine a particular person. like who would be there for me and stuff... and after watching it, I realized its Kaz!" I said.

 I pulled out the videotape and put it on one of the tiny car tvs.

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