The Attack

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"Skylar, we're outnumbered. It's a suicide mission." Oliver looked down

"It'll be tough, but we can do this. We are an elite force." I said  "Who's with me?"

"If I'm going down, I'm going down fighting." Kaz put his hand on mine

"Me, too."


"I guess"

"I'm in, too."

we looked behind us and saw the swarm get bigger

"What are they doing? Brace yourselves! "

the swarm shot at us and we fell.

I have healing abilities so I was able to stay awake.

but I pretended I was asleep so they would leave us there.

"Good work, my children. Good work." a man says 


A little later...

"Guys, wake up" I poked the others. we all jumped up at the sight of a man

"Who are you?" Chase asked

"I recognize him from Mighty Med." Skylar added

" It's Roman and Riker's father, Rodissius. They had to take away his powers to save his life." I answered Chase's question

" Hey, I've been meaning to ask you. Isn't it a pain writing your name out all the time? Wouldn't it just be easier to go by Rod? " Kaz asked. 


"Rodissius it is."

 "I see that your little Elite Force has finally realized you're no match for my family of shape shifters." Rod said

"Family? How many kids do you have?" 

"Thirteen. Believe me, Roman and Riker are the nice ones."

"What does that say about you as a father?" I asked

"You can attack this city all you want. But no amount of destruction will ever bring your powers back. And to be honest, you don't deserve them." Kaz said

"I may not have my powers, but my children do. And as you can see, they're getting plenty of revenge for me." Rod smiled

"They're attacking innocent people."

"I know. Isn't it great?"

" Look, Rod. See? It's got a nice ring to it. We're on to your plan. You're attacking these people to lure the superheroes out." Oliver walked closer to Rod

"Yeah, but it's not gonna work because we're gonna take you down on our own." Skylar added

 "You think we're trying to lure the superheroes here. No. Our plan is a little more complex than that."

"Reese." I said "i knew she was bad news!" 

"hey don't bring my girlfriend into this just because you're jealous" Chase yelled at me

"I could never be jealous. I'm with a guy who respects me unlike you, Chase... Reese might be a bad guy. but she deserves better than you" I looked at Rod

"yes. Reese is my daughter. we got you away from the cyber desk. and she's in it now" I kicked Rod into a food shop. we broke through the window.

"Come on. We have to get back before she gets that superhero list. " I said


we ran to the penthouse and went to Mission Command.

when we got downstairs we saw Douglas on the ground.

we ran to him

 "What happened?" Oliver asked

"Go get help." Douglas said

"Where's Reese? " I asked

"She took off right after she blasted me." Douglas said

"oh, I'm gonna kill that bitch" I said

"Douglas, I'm so sorry. She got him good. His pulse is really weak." Leo said

" That's not the only thing she got. She downloaded the superhero list." Kaz said

Chase yelled

"This is all my fault." 

"Chase. It's okay. You got carried away by a crush; it happens." Bree patted him on the back

"Now they know where all the superheroes are. We have to get on the encrypted network and warn them. " Skylar said

"She blocked our access. We can't even get on." I added, looking at the CyberDesk

"I'll stay here with Douglas. You guys head back out, try to find Reese." Chase looked down

"If it's a war they want... then we'll give 'em one." 

The Sixth Member (Lab Rats: Elite Force)Where stories live. Discover now