Bree's Birthday + Roadtrip Back Home

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Later that day...

really it was just 11 ish

we decided to surprise Bree for her birthday

Bree went to get us all food

and while I was getting ready, I got my letter.

THE letter.

the letter that tells me if I officially get to keep my scholarship.

"AH!" I yelled and ran down the stairs.

everyone was sitting on the couch and chilling.

but got frightened when I yelled

Kaz and Oliver ran from the kitchen

"Are you alright?!" Kaz asked. I showed the letter "AH!" he yelled in my same tone

"what's wrong?!" Skylar said. she saw the letter

"AH!" she said

"Kaz and I are going to a college in New York with Liz. Kaz and I are moving into an apartment near our college which is Manhatten College. but Beth is staying in the dorms.

"Liz is going to NYU and this letter shows if she gets to keep her scholarship! so we will only be a walking distance away!"

"also Skylar is just about to move into an apartment next door to them until the Spring semester because she's going to Manhatten College too!"

there was a long silence

"WELL OPEN IT!" Skylar yelled. the three of us jumped back from fear

I opened it.

I read it out

"Dear Ms. Greene." I read it out "...I'm pleased to inform you..."

"OH MY GOD!" Oliver squealed. I started crying

"I'm in!" I said

"WE'RE IN!" Kaz and Oliver hugged me and jumped up and down

"we're in." I smiled

we heard the card swipe for the door key

"Guys, she's here!" Chase said

"hide in your places!"

we turned the lights off and hid

a couple of minutes later she walked in



"SURPRISE!" we all yelled. she smiled

" guys this is adorable but Oliver already told me before I left"

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