The Rock

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Kaz, Oliver, and I walked downstairs.

I looked at Chase and he just looked down.

Kaz and Oliver looked at me.

"hey, Chase, what did you do last night?" Kaz asked Chase. 

Oliver and I snorted into our arms

"uh, I read and went over our prep cards for the next meeting" Kaz nodded

"cool" he walked away

"Thanks for asking?" Chase said, he walked upstairs.

"what was that?" Bree asked Kaz

"Chase is going with Liz to see Bohemian Rhapsody but he's completely ignoring the situation." Oliver said

"no he isn't, he just isn't really talking to me" I said

let's just say this happened over the next week.

 every day. 

Chase just ignored me

by this time it was Tuesday, the day where I was going to watch 

Bohemian Rhapsody with Kaz and Oliver

I walked to my room

there on my bed was Chase. 

I turned around and took a deep breath

I turned to him. 

I closed my door and he shot up

"Why are you here?" I ask him

"I thought we are going to that movie tonight so I wanted to ask what time we are going" 

I looked him dead in the eye. 

someone knocked on my door. 

We turned to it.

Kaz walked in.

"What's going on?" Kaz asked

"Chase asked me if we were going to watch Bohemian Rhapsody tonight" Kaz made the same face I did.

"you got some nerve coming in here, asking her to go to a movie after you have ignored-" I slapped my hand on Kaz's mouth

"I can handle this" I said.

Kaz walked out

"what just happened?" Chase asked 

"you got some nerve coming in here, asking me to go to a movie after you have ignored this whole week"


"no, I'm not done talking. " I stood straighter "I have never liked a guy before, let alone a guy I just met! and you-" 

I poked him 

"you, come in here and act as nothing happened. I don't cry a lot Chase, I don't! Especially not over a stupid guy" 

I started tearing up

"but you Chase William Davenport, are a complete jerk, and I-" 

He kissed me.

 I pushed him away

"you like me?" I growled

"nine o'clock. be late and I kill you" he nodded and walked out.

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