The Rock

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It was about 9 am now and Chase's 11-year-old friend AJ won't stop hanging out with us. he's a cutie but damn.

I walked down the stairs with Bree while everyone else was coming inside from the patio

"Now that we're cool, there's something I wanna show you guys." AJ said "My Elite Force Breakdown."

he pulls a tablet from his bag.

" I've compiled all your abilities and superpowers and then ranked your value to the team one through five."


1. Elizabeth Greene

2. Kaz Kennedy

3. Skylar Storm

4. Bree Davenport

5. Oliver White

6. Chase Davenport

"Um, why am I fourth?" Bree gasped

"well Beth has over 683 powers, Skylar has 24 powers, Kaz has 22, Oliver has 17, and you have 7."

"Hey at least you're not at the bottom" I said

"I feel bad for that punk" Chase said

"Chase is" I finished

"what!" Chase yelled


I heard the guys and AJ were chilling downstairs so I thought I'd go to say hi

"hey, guys" 

I looked in a huge junk pile that was definitely Kaz's. 

 I was looking around.

 I saw Arcturion

"oh my god" I said to myself. I held it

"oh cool what is that!" AJ said grabbing it.

 I grabbed it back

"hey be careful. you could die touching this" Oliver said

"yeah, If any human makes direct contact with the orb, it'll kill them." I said

"can anyone touch it?" Chase asked Oliver and Kaz. they pointed at me

"me haha" I said

"what how!?" AJ asked

"only the avatar can touch it" Kaz added

"It's the coolest thing I've ever seen." AJ reaches for it

" No!" we all yell


literally like an hour later.

Chase and AJ were working on some machine to go to missions faster. you know, because Bree and Skylar have super speed and Kaz and Oliver can fly. and I can do both, big flex

"hey, guys!" I said to Chase and AJ

"Hey, Liz, Bree. You're just in time to watch our latest test run."

"Oh, is Chase gonna get hurt? If so, I'm in." Bree says

Not gonna happen. We worked out all the kinks. Soon I'll be able to get to missions as fast as you. Then you'll be at the bottom of the list, and I'll be at the top." Chase snarled at her

Uh, no, you won't." AJ said, pointing to me

Okay, you are not in charge of the list anymore!" AJ started the engine "Whoo-hoo!"

"Doesn't look that fast." Bree said

"Really? 'Cause I clocked him going faster than you. almost as fast as Lizzy"

" Just call me when he crashes." Bree looked at AJ

Then Chase's brakes weren't working

"Oh, Bree." AJ and I say

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