chapter 9 : kartik's care

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Next day Naira stayed home as the doctor told her to get some rest.

Naira didn't want to stay but she had no other choice.

Meanwhile Kartik was at college already waiting for Naira. He thought she might come so he was waiting to give her phone back to her.

He was in their first class and kept looking towards the entrance hoping she would come but Naira didn't. The class started and ended after some time.

Once the class ended and after the professor left Kartik stood up and went towards Annika.

"Annika,where is Naira?Will she not come today?"He asked

"She was supposed to. But the doctor told her to get some rest for two days. So she is at home now!"She replied.

"Okay..But is she feeling better now?"He asked

"Yeah she is fine. Do you want something from her or what?"She asked

"Actually her phone is with me. I thought to give it back to her if she comes to college today!"He said

"Oh I see. If you want I can give it back to her. I am going to her house after college ends!"She said. He nodded and was about to give Naira's phone to Annika but stopped.

"Annika if it's okay I will give it back to her in the evening. I will go to her house and check on her!"He said

"Okay,Sure!"Annika said with a smile.

"Wow you can smile also?!"Shivaay asked coming towards them.

"Shivaay shut up!"Kartik said

"I have emotions better than you SSO. Now go and do your work!"Annika replied with a fake smile.

"Done?Let's go now?!"Kartik said. Before Shivaay could say something Kartik dragged him with him.

"Seriously what is your problem with Annika?She is great girl!"Kartik said

"She keeps on calling me Billu!"Shivaay said complaining while Kartik tried to control his laughter.


"Mumma I have some work regarding Krishna. I will go and come back within an hour!"Naksh told Akshara.

"Duggu but even I have to go out to bring Naira medicines. Both of us can't leave her alone naa?!"Akshara replied

"Mumma,Bhai it is okay. You guys can go. I am not a kid and I will be fine!"Naira said

"No Naira,If you need something we won't be here so we won't leave you and go!"Akshara said

"Taiji,Bhai you both can go. I am here naa. I will take care of Naira Di!"Mishti said coming.

"But Mishti even you have to study naa?"Naksh said

"Bhai I have so much time to do that. You guys go and once you come back I will go and study. Now go!"Mishti said.

Akshara and Naksh agreed and then left.

"Naira Di if you need anything just call me okay?I will come. You just take some rest!"Mishti said

"Thanks Mishti!"Naira said. Mishti smiled and left Naira's room.

In the evening Kartik left the college one hour before it ends.

After sometime he arrived at Naira's house. He went inside but couldn't find anyone there.

"Is anybody here or no?!"He thought and just then Mishti came.

"Can I help you?Who are you?"Mishti asked coming

"Wait you study in our college right?You are Naira Di's classmate right?"Mishti asked and Kartik nodded.

"I am Kartik. I am your Naira di's friend. I was also the one who took her to the hospital after the accident..actually the thing is Naira's phone is with me so I brought it for her!"Kartik said.

"Oh,thank you so much!Di was trying to find her phone!"She replied.

"How is she now?!"Kartik asked

"She is better. If you want you can go and meet her!"She said

"I would love too.I really want to meet her!"Kartik said. Mishti nodded and then she took him upstairs to Naira's room.

"Naira Di,you have a visitor!"Mishti said going into Naira's room.

"Who came?"Naira asked and looked towards the door and saw Kartik.

"Kartik Hey!What are you doing here?!"Naira asked sitting up straight on the bed.

"You guys talk!"Mishti said and then left.

"How are you feeling?"He asked sitting beside her.

"I am feeling much better. Thank you!"Naira replied with a small smile.

"Your phone is with me. So I decided to come and give it to you!"He said giving Naira her phone.

"Thank you so much. I thought I lost it!"Naira said.

"Okay then,I will see you at college then!"He said and Naira nodded with a smile.

He stood up to leave and went towards the door but stopped and turned back.

"Hey,would it be cool if we exchange numbers?i mean if you need something you can always call me!"He said.

"Sure!"Naira said with a smile and gave him her number. He saved it and called her. Then Naira too saved his name.

"Okay I will see you later!"He said. Naira nodded and then Kartik left.

It was past 10:30 pm and Kartik was lying down on his bed and playing some game in his phone.

Just then his phone rang. He saw Naira's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey,is everything okay?"He asked in concern.

"Yeah everything is fine. Are you free now?!"She asked

"Yeah I am free. What's up?"He asked

"I am very bored and my family members are not letting me any good food. I want to eat ice cream. Will you take me out?!"Naira asked

"Wait right now..?What will you do if your family members find out about it?!"He asked

"They won't. Now will you come or not?If you won't come still I will go. I will go alone!"Naira said.

"No no!Don't leave okay?!I will come to your house in 20 minutes. I will wait outside and call you once I reach there!"He said and Naira smiled.

"Thank you!"Naira said happily and then ended the call. Kartik quietly left his house and drove to Naira's house.


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