chapter 27 : druken kartik

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"Naira..I thought you left me but I knew you would come back for me!"Kartik spoke

"Kartik...why did you drink?I can't believe this!"Naira said and caught him as he was about to fall.

"Okay you should go back into your room and get some rest!"Naira said and helped him back into the room.

Naira made him to lie down of the bed. She pulled the duvet over him and turned the lights off. When she was about to leave Kartik stopped her by holding her hand.

"Naira don't leave me again. Stay with me...!"he said with his eyes closed when Naira turned around to see him.

"You left me once. Please don't do that again!"He said.

"Kartik please sleep. We will talk later but not now!"Naira said pulling her hand away from his slowly.

She was about to leave but stopped when he held her wrist again and stood up.

Naira went numb as Kartik pulled her into a hug and hugged her tightly.

"Kartik..what are you doing?!Let me go..!"She said trying to get out of his grip.

"No..!"He whined and she stopped trying to get out of his grip as she felt really good to be in his arms after so long.

"Naira..I missed you so have no clue how much I suffered..I am miserable without you Jaan..please come back to me.."He said in a breaking voice.

Naira immediately looked up too see tears rolling down his cheeks.

She was dying every second seeing him in this condition and wiped his tears.

"Please..Kartik..I can't see you like this.."She said

"This is nothing compared to what I have been through in the last 6 months.."He said and chuckled

Naira was about to talk about how things have been for her and how it hasn't been easy for her as well but stopped when she remembered his words from that horrible day.

Without saying anything else She quickly walked towards the door and went out but bumped with someone. Naira looked up to see Shivaay.

"Naira,what are you doing here? And that too in this room?"Shivaay asked

"I know Kartik is here. I saw him drunk so I helped him go to sleep but he is up..please go and make sure he sleeps...!"Naira said

"My brother's said he got drunk so that's why I came to check on him!"Shivaay said and Naira remained silent

"Are you okay?Naira?"Shivaay asked.

"Yeah I am fine..!"Naira said looking at him

"Okay then I will go check on him!"Shivaay said and was about to go inside his room but stopped when Naira held his hand.

"Tomorrow when he wakes up and if he remembers that he and I met last each other let him know that it didn't happen and I didn't even come here yet okay?"Naira said.

"Please Shivaay do it. I am not ready to face him yet. I know I already met him but he is drunk! I hope you understand!"Naira said

"Fine.I won't tell him but you better get ready cause you both will be staying here for sometime and you will cross paths!"Shivaay said and went inside kartik's room.

Next day Kartik woke up with a huge headache. Kartik slowly sat up and started to think on what happened last night. He remembered going out and he met Om and that he drank something.

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