chapter 28 : meeting again

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"Naira?"Kartik said.

Naira immediately broke the hug and moved back.

Kartik was about to turn back but stopped when he heard Shivaay.

"Kartik! Come on everyone are outside!"Shivaay said.

Naira took this as a chance and left.

"I'm coming.You go ahead!"He said and turned around but no one was there.

"Someone was here!Was it really naira?"Kartik thought.


Next morning naira got ready and went towards the swimming pool area to get some fresh air.

Once she reached she spotted shivaay with his brother's.

Naira went there and sat near the swimming pool and was lost in her thoughts thinking about Kartik.

Lost in her thoughts she didn't even realise that Shivaay was calling her.

"Nairaaa!"He said placing his hand on her shoulder bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Huh?! what?"She asked

"How many times I called your name?what were you thinking about?you were so lost in your thoughts!"Shivaay said.

"No it is nothing..forgot that and tell me what do you want?"Naira asked.

"Click some photo's of mine and my brother's naa!"He asked.

"Fine fine!"Naira said taking his phone and stood up.

After she clicked some pics Shivaay and his brother's left.

Naira was the only one who was sitting near the pool.

Just then she got a call from Annika.

"Naira,come to my room once..I need your help with some dress selection!"Annika said.

"Haa I am coming.."Naira said and stood up.

She was near the edge of the pool and it was slippery there.

Naira didn't notice that and when she placed her foot there it slipped and she fell in the pool.

Naira tried to come out but her legs got tangled with the ropes inside the pool.

"Help!!"She shouted but no one was there.

She tried to free herself but couldn't.She kept on trying but she heard a sound.

Someone was alredy in the pool untangling her legs from the pool.

Naira was having hard time breathing as she was in underwater for sometime already.

When she felt that the rope was no longer tangled with her leg she came up to the surface and took a deep breath.

That person who saved her came up too and naira hugged him.

"Thank you..thank you.."She said but the person didn't say anything.

Naira broke the hug and saw the person.

She was shocked when she saw Kartik.

"Kartik.."She whispered

"Are you okay?You didn't get hurt right?"He asked cupping her cheek.

"I am fine..Are you fine?"She asked

"I am fine,don't worry"He said.

Both of them got out of the pool.

Kartik saw a towel nearby and went to get it for naira.

"Here take this.."He said wrapping it around her shoulders.

"You should be more careful.."Saying this he left before naira could even say anything.


Naira went inside Annika's room.

"What happened to you?!"She asked when she saw naira completely drenched.

"I slipped and fell in the pool,then and saved me.."Naira said.

" guys met?"She asked.

"I already met him the night he was drunk.."Naira said.

"Yeah I know but kartik was not in his senses that night.."Annika said.

"I think he is ignoring me.."Naira said.


"She fine right?"Shivaay asked kartik after kartik told him what happened.

"Yes she is fine.."Kartik said.

"So did to her?"He asked

"Not much,I left"Kartik replied

"So you are planning to avoid her or what?"Shivaay asked.

"It is for the best..if I grow close to her again I can't control myself.."Kartik said.


The sangeet ceremony was taking place.

Naira and kartik both were busy talking with their families on the call.

They didn't realise that they were walking towards eachother.

When they crossed eachother their hands brushed together and naira bracelet hook got struck to his watch.

Both of them stopped and looked down at their hands and then at eachother.

Naira came forward and tried to unhook her bracelet but couldn't.

Seeing her struggles with that he decided to help.

"Let me help you with that..!"He spoke and Naira looked at him.

He moved close to her and tried to unhook it and he did.

Once he did they moved their hands back and shared an eye lock.

"Thank you"Naira said.

They moved away from each other and we're about to go away but a garland which was part of the decorations fell on them.

Kartik took it off and left without saying anything.

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