chapter 21 : she is mine

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"Annika!Shut up now!"Naira whispered

"Don't lie Naira I saw you!When I was downstairs I saw you come out of your bhai's room with clothes and you were wet!"Annika said and both Kartik,Naira went numb after hearing this.

"Can we Please talk about something else?!And yes I was there but nothing happened!"Kartik said trying to cover it up.

"I am sorry guys I was just teasing you!But congrats!I am so happy for you!"Annika said and Kaira thanked her.

Naira went to her first class which was different from Kartik and their friends.

Naira was sitting inside the classroom and was scrolling through her messages and just then a guy came.

"Hi!"He said and Naira looked up

"Hi!"She said with a small smile.

"I am Raghav!I am new here!"He said

"Nice to meet you Raghav!I am Naira"Naira replied

"I don't know anyone here,if you don't mind can I sit with you?"He asked

"Sure"Naira replied with a smile and he sat next to her.

Kartik was passing by Naira's class.He stopped when he saw Naira and smiled seeing her.

But his smile vanished when he saw a guy besides Naira.They were both busy talking and were laughing.

Kartik felt jealous and was about go inside her class but stopped when he saw the teacher go in.

Helplessly he went to his class and decided to deal with this later.

First class ended and everyone came out of their classrooms.

Kartik as soon as his class was over he quickly went out and went towards Naira's class.

He stopped some distance away when he saw Naira come out along with him.

"So Naira do you want to go to canteen?"Raghav asked

"No actually I have to go meet my friends..!"Naira said

"That's okay I understand!"He said with a smile and Naira smiled a bit.

That was when she saw Kartik.She felt happy to see him and was about to go towards him but Kartik himself came.

"I will see you later Naira!Bye!"Raghav said and left.

"Hey!"Naira said with a smile side hugging him.Kartik didn't say anything but just wrapped his hand around her shoulder and they went their next class.

Naira sat along Annika and Shivaay.Kartik was about to go out but Naira stopped him.

"Where are you?"Naira asked

"I have some work!I will be back soon!"He said.He kissed on her forehead and went out of the class.

Shivaay felt something was wrong so he also went with kartik.

"What happened?Is everything okay?"Shivaay asked and Kartik told him what happened.

Kartik came into the canteen and searched for Raghav.

He found him sitting in the corner talking with someone on the phone.

As he ended the call Kartik went and sat in front of him.

"Hi!I am Kartik!"Kartik said

"You..?You were with Naira earlier!"He said

"She is my girlfriend and she is mine!"Kartik said without delaying

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