chapter 19 : i love you

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"I love you so much Naira!I am sorry for realizing it too late!"He said and Naira broke the hug.

"No I am so happy that you gave me the answer!"Naira said with a smile.

Kartik smiled and cupped her cheek.He placed kissed all over her face and then pressed his lips on her's and they kissed and after few minutes they broke the kiss and let their foreheads touch.

"So you were planning all of this?"Naira questioned and he nodded.

"I love this Kartik!This is the best,Thank you so much!"Naira said

"Wait I forgot to ask you one thing,What happened to you today?You were avoiding me the whole day!"He asked remembering that.

"Let's not talk about that now Kartik!"Naira said

"No,Naira tell me what's wrong?Did something happen?"He asked and Naira was looking everywhere around except him.

"Naira?"He said trying to make her to look at him but she didn't.

He wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her close to him catching her off guard.

"Kartik —"She started but couldn't finish her sentence as he spoke.

"Naira please tell me the truth!Never in your life you lied and you absolutely suck at lying so don't even think of lying!"He said

"Fine!When I was looking for you this morning I found you with Neha..I just felt jealous and mad at you so that was why I was acting like that!"She said not meeting with his eyes while Kartik was having a hard time controlling his laughter after hearing her.

She looked at him and founding his laughing.

"I can't believe you are laughing!"She said and got out of his grip.

"Naira Naira!"He said pulling her close to him again.

"I am sorry jaan!"He said with a smile and looked at her

"Naira you don't need to be jealous.Not now or ever!I belong to you.Only you my jaan!"He said

"And coming to Neha,she is just a good friend to me and this mansion belongs to someone she knows so she was just helping me getting this!"He said and Naira felt better now.

"I love you Naira,Only you!"He said

"I am sorry Kartik,For acting that way..!"She said

"Shh..It is over now right?Come on let's go and eat dinner shall we?"He asked holding her hand and she nodded with a smile.

After they finished dinner Kartik took Naira back to her house.Biding him bye Naira went inside her house.

Naira was thinking about everything which happened in the last two hours and was smiling.

"Ooh ooh someone is so happy!"Mishti said teasing her

"Shut up Mishti!Nothing like that!"Naira said.

"Wah Naira!Misht is not wrong,you do seem very happy!"Naksh too said coming towards them

"Bhai you also!I said nothing like that naa!"Naira said trying to save herself from the embarrassment

"Don't you both have anything else to do than to tease my princess!"Naitik said jokingly coming towards them and Naira hugged him.

"Wah papa wah!always you take her side!Mumma look at this!"Naksh said and Akshara came

"Well you guys are teasing my princess so I am supporting her!"Naitik said and everyone laughed and Naira quickly went upstairs to her room.


Naira after came to her room went into the washroom to change her clothes.

After she changed her clothes she came out and sat on the bed. She picked up her phone and decided to message Kartik.

Kartik just got back home and he was heading off upstair's but stopped when he got a message.

It was from Naira saying "I miss you"

"Ayy even I am missing her so much!I want to see her now!"He said to himself.


"How rude is this Mendak!I sent him a message and he saw it but didn't reply?I guess he is not missing me!"She said out lying on her bed

"Are you missing me?"Naira was about to shout when she heard someone's voice and when he placed his hand on her shoulder.

Before she was about to shout he placed his hand on her mouth stopping her from shouting and it didn't take her a second to realize who it was.

"Shh,It's me!"Kartik said and then took off his hand.

"What are you doing here?"She asked immediately getting off her bed.

"I was missing you so much and you were too right?So I thought to come!"He said with a smile.

Naira smiled and hugged him and he hugged her back.

"So prom is coming up next week,Will you be my date?"He asked after hugging her.

"Do you even need to ask me?I am your date forever!"She said with a smile looking at him.

They remained in each other's embrace until there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Naira?"They heard Akshara's voice.They immediately pulled away from each other and looked at one another.

"Naira beta,open the door once!"Akshara said

"If mumma see's you here..what shall we do?"Naira asked

"I know we decided not to tell our family members yet,so let me just hide somewhere!"
He said and looked around.

He went and hid inside the cupboard.After he went in there to hide Naira went and opened the door.

"Mumma,what are you doing here?"Naira asked

"What took you so long to open the door?And I heard someone's voice!"She said coming inside

"Mumma..actually me Kartik,Annika and Shivaay were on a conference call and I kept the phone on loudspeaker..!"Naira lied and Akshara believed in that.

"Okay then,your papa is calling you.He wants to talk to you regarding something,Come once!"She said and took Naira with her.

Here Kartik heard them talk and when they left he tried to open the door but it was not opening and he realized it was locked

"Krishna Ji!What did you get into?Why does things like this always happen to me only?"He said to himself and tried to open the door but failed.

After five minutes Naira came back into her room after talking to Naitik and was looking around for Kartik

"Where did Kartik go?"She said

"Naira?!I am in here!"He shouted from the inside.

"Oh my god!Why are you still inside?"She said and ran towards the cupboard. Naira noticed that it got locked from the outside and quickly opened it and pulled him out.

He came out and almost fell down but Naira caught him on time and he hugged her.

"I am so sorry Kartik!I am so sorry!"She said apologizing worrying

"It is fine Naira,I am okay don't worry!"He said as she made him to sit on the bed and brought him water to drink.


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