chapter 31 : you and me forever

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Naira was sitting on a bench in the park waiting for kartik to come.

They decided to meet up and talk about their decision.

"Naira!"Kartik said who came running towards her as he was late.

He came and sat besides her.

"I am sorry..that I was late.Full traffic!"Kartik said

"No it is fine, Don't worry!"Naira said with a small smile.

They both sat in silence didn't know how to say what they both were feeling. 

"So what do you think we should do?"Kartik spoke first.

"You tell first.."Naira said

"Naira my answer depends on you only.Whatever you say I am good with it"He said.

"I know that things went bad between us then..but even after that I never stopped loving you.."Naira said.

"Same naira..I can never stop loving you.You mean the whole world to me"He said and naira smiled a bit.

"So is this a yes?"He asked.

"Yes.."Naira said placing her hand on his.


Both families were at the Goenka Villa waiting for kartik and naira come.

"I really hope these two will say yes!" Dadi said.

"I hope so too maa..look they are here!"Manish said when kartik and naira came in.

"So what have you both decided?"He asked

"Yes"Kartik and naira said looking at each other and everyone got happy and congratulated each other.


The Singhania's stayed at Goenka villa till the night time and Naira was searching for kartik as she didn't see him since last few hours.

"Luv Kush,where is your kartik bhaiyya?"Naira asked

"Bhabhi he said he had some important work so he went out"Luv said.

"Today is my birthday and this mendak didn't even give me any gift!"Naira said to herself.

Just then her phone beeped and she saw a message from kartik.

"I have a suprise for you.I am waiting for you at your house.Come soon!"She read the message.

"What is he upto?"Naira thought and then left.


Naira entered her house but it was completely dark.

"Kartik?Are you here?"Naira called out and just then the lights turned on and naira was surprised when she saw the living room completely decorated.

She smiled looking around.

"Do you like them?"Kartik asked from behind and she turned around to see him standing behind her.

"What is all of this?"Naira asked with a smile.

Kartik took a step towards her and held her hands in his.

"We are getting married and I want to clear something's between us!"He said

"What?What do you mean?"She asked in confusion.

"You need to know what happened that day..your dance competition"He said.

"Kartik,no..I don't..we moved past that..and I trust you.."Naira said.

"You trust me right?So then let me tell you the whole truth"He said and she didn't say anything further.

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