chapter 7 : naira remembers kartik

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"How are you feeling now?!"Kartik asked.

"Better. Thank you for bringing me here!"Naira said.

Being here he couldn't help but think about his childhood memory again which had Naira in it.


"Naira come on,eat these noodles. I asked Maa to make them!"Kartik said bringing them to Naira who was sitting in his room.

"Mendak No!If I get sick my Mumma will give me a big lecture!"Naira said.

"You will be fine. Come on open you mouth!"He said and before she could even say something he made her eat.

Kartik smiled looking at her cute frowns and expressions. He made her eat it fully. After she was done eating Naitik came to take Naira home.

"Acha don't forget to come here by 10am okay?we will play the whole day!"Kartik said.

"Haa yaar I will come. Don't worry!"Naira said and then left along with Naitik.

Next day Kartik was waiting for Naira to come. But Naira didn't come and it was past 10am.

An hour went by and Kartik started to get impatient and worried.

"Maybe I should call her! What happened to this girl?!She promised she would be here on time but she didn't come ugh!"Kartik thought and then went to call her.

He called her and then Akshara answered it.

"Aunty,where is Naira?!She said she will come to my house naa!"Kartik said

"Kartik beta,actually Naira is not feeling well. She got High fever. So we brought her to hospital mid night...!"She said.

"What??Is she okay now?!"Kartik asked getting worried.

"Haa she is feeling better now. We just brought her home now! You don't worry. I will make her to call you in the evening!"Akshara said and then ended the call.

"Maa!"Kartik shouted and Suvarna came rushing to him.

"What happened?!Why are you shouting?Is everything okay?!"She asked

"Maa Naira is not feeling well. She got high fever. Please take me to Naira's house. Please please!!"Kartik said

"What?What happened so suddenly?How is she feeling now?!"She asked

"Acha chalo then. I will take you come!"She said and then left along with Kartik.

After sometime Kartik and Suvarna arrived at the Singhania Sadan.

When they went inside everyone were in living room except Naitik.

"Suvarna,Kartik!"Akshara said after she saw them come in.

"Where is Naira?!"Kartik asked

"She is in her room!"Akshara said. Without wasting another second Kartik ran upstairs to her room.

When he entered in he saw Naira whining while Naitik was trying to make her drink the soup

"Papa please! This tastes so yuck!!I don't want to drink it!!"Naira kept whining.

"Princess please. Just some more! You will feel better after finishing this!"Naitik said trying his best but couldn't.

"Papa!!"Naira said and then saw Kartik.

"Kartik!!You are here!"Naira said with a happy smile.

"Arey Kartik come on!"Naitik said with a smile and Kartik came towards Naira.

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