chapter 6 : naira's accident

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"What if she is my Naira..?But at the same time Naira promised me she would never ever take off that bracelet..maybe I am mistaken..!"Kartik thought after Naira left.

"What happened?!What's wrong with you?"Shivaay asked coming.

"No I am fine. Listen I want to be alone for sometime. You go to next class. I will meet you later after class ends!"Kartik said and before Shivaay could even reply he left.

Naira was heading to her next class when her phone rang. She took her phone out and saw Naitik calling her.

"Annika you go. I will join you in two minutes!"Naira said. Annika nodded and went inside.

"Hi papa!!"Naira said with a smile answering the call.

"Hi princess!How are you?!Are you in college now?"Naitik asked.

"I am good papa. How are you? And yes I am in college now. My next class won't start till ten minutes!"Naira said.

"Even I am good princess but I am missing you so much!"He said.

"Me too papa. But it's just few months naa? And whenever you want to see me just come!"Naira said.

"I will princess. So tell me,how is your college going on?Are you liking it?"He asked

"Haa papa I am loving it. I made some friends and it is going great!"Naira said.

"How are you Mumma,Bhai and everyone else?"He asked

"Haa papa everyone are doing great. I am planning to go visit Badi Dadi,Choti Dadi this Sunday!"Naira said.

"Haa great beta. I will inform them then!"He said.

"No no papa. Don't let them. I will surprise them okay?"Naira said.

"Haan okay princess! Now go or else you will get late to your class. Call me later!"He said.

"Okay papa. Bye! I love you!"She said.

"Love you princess. Bye!"Naitik said and ended the call.Then she went to her class.

Meanwhile Kartik went to the basketball court and sat on the bleachers. Kartik was lost in his thoughts while he was bouncing the ball with one hand.

He spent the rest of the day at college acting like that only. Completely lost in his thoughts. He wanted to speak to Naira but he didn't want to keep up any hopes.

Once college was over Kartik walked out of college. When he walked out the gate he spotted Naira standing on the opposite side near a cafe outside the college.

Kartik decided to talk to her regarding his doubt. He wanted to confirm it so he can deal with it.

"Naira!Hey!"He shouted catching Naira's attention.

"Hey!"Naira said waving at him.

"We need to talk!"Kartik said.

"I am coming wait..!"Naira said and started to cross the road. Just then her phone rang. She was searching her bag as she couldn't find it inside. Naira complete concentration was on her bag and she didn't notice a car coming towards her.

Kartik turned aside and saw a car heading towards her.

"Oh my god!No!"He said panicking.

"Naira!"He shouted and that was when Naira saw the car. Before she could even react Kartik came to her rescue and pushed her away quickly. Because of the push Naira's forehead hit the foot path and she fell unconscious.

Kartik felt relieved knowing she was okay and nothing bad happened. But that was gone when he saw her. He was shocked when he saw her lying down on the road unconscious.

"Naira!"He shouted and ran towards her.He fell on his knees and pulled her into.

"Naira wake up come on..!"He said patting on her cheeks but she didn't. Without thinking he took her to the hospital.

Once they reached the hospital Naira was taken inside for treatment while Kartik was standing outside her room.

"Krishna Ji,please Naira should be okay. This was my fault..I shouldn't have called her..!"Kartik said to himself.

"Excuse me Sir,you were the one who brought her right?"The nurse asked coming to Kartik.

"Yes. I brought her here!"Kartik said standing up.

"You need to fill out the form. Could you please come with me?!"She asked and Kartik nodded.

The nurse gave him the form to fill. He took it and started to write. First he wrote her name but stopped because she didn't know anything about Naira or her last name.

"Kartik!"Annika said coming inside quickly.

"Thank god you are here! How is Naira?!Where is she?"Annika asked.

"I don't know yet. The doctor's didn't tell anything. How did you know that we were here?"Kartik asked

"Someone told me what happened and this was the nearby hospital so I thought you would be here only so I came!"Annika said and Kartik nodded.

"Give me that form I will fill in. In the mean time here in Naira's mother number. Call her and tell her what happened!"Annika said taking the form from Kartik and gave him Akshara's number.

Annika started to fill out the form and Kartik went to call Naira's family members.

"Duggu please call Naira once. I feel restless. I don't know why but I keep getting this bad feeling. Just call her and ask how she is!"Akshara told Naksh.

"Maa I am sure it is nothing. Naira is fine. Don't worry!"Naksh said. Just then Akshara's phone rang.

"Hello?!"Akshara said

"Aunty hi. I am Naira's classmate. Naira met with an accident so we brought her to city hospital. Please come here fast!"Kartik said shocking Akshara.

"What??What happened to my Naira?How is she?!"Akshara asked panicking. Just then the doctor came.

"Aunty hold on a second! The doctor is here!"Kartik said.

"Doctor how is she? How is Naira?!"Kartik asked.

"She is totally fine. Nothing to worry about!She has some bruises but she will be fine!"He said and left. Kartik felt relieved hearing she was fine.

"Aunty the doctor said she is fine and there is nothing to worry about!"Kartik said and Akshara felt a bit relieved.

"Thank you so much for informing us beta. We will be there!"Akshara said. Kartik nodded and then ended the call.

"Duggu I told you I was getting a bad feeling and Naira Met with an accident. She is fine now but she is in city hospital. Let's go now!"Akshara and then left along with Naksh and Rajshri.

Annika was waiting for Naira's family members to come. Kartik went inside and saw her sleeping. He sat in the chair next to her and placed his hands on hers.

"I am sorry Naira..!"He said and just then Naira woke up.

"Why..are you..saying sorry?"Naira said slowly and Kartik quickly looked up.

"You are up! Let me call the doctor!"He said and was about to stand up but Naira held his hand and stopped him.

"Shh I am fine. Don't worry! Why are you saying sorry huh?"Naira asked.

"If I didn't call you,you wouldn't have crossed the road. This happened because of me!"Kartik said.

"Are you mad? This happened because I was not paying attention. I was searching my phone while crossing the road. It was my fault. Not your's so please stop saying Kartik...!"Naira said.


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