chapter 10 : night out

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As new year is just few more hours away , so happy new year guys!!❤️❤️


Kartik arrived outside Naira's house and he waited outside.

Naira managed to sneak out and she silently came outside without making any sound.

"Hey!Thank you so much for coming!"Naira said as she came towards Kartik.

"So where are we going now?!"He asked her as Naira sat behind him on his bike.

"Hmm,let's go for ice cream?!"Naira said.

"Okay,I know a guy who owns ice cream store nearby. It's open 24/7 so let's go there!"Kartik said

"Okay!"Naira said with a smile and then they left.

After sometime they arrived outside the ice cream parlor. Kartik parked his bike and they went in together.

"Hi uncle!"Kartik said greeting the shop owner.

"Kartik!Come on in beta. It has been a while since you came!She is your friend?!The owner said with a smile and looked at Naira

"Haa she is. Naira what do you want to eat?!"Kartik asked looking at Naira.

"Um,Two chocolate chip!"Naira said.

"No I don't eat chocolate chip. I will order something else!"He said

"That is not for you. Both of them are for me only. You order what you want!"Naira said. Kartik smiled looking at her behavior and ordered what he wanted to eat.

While Naira ate her ice cream Kartik looked at her and kept adoring her with a small smile on his lips.


After Naira got recovered she came to Kartik's house. Kartik was in his room playing on his phone

"Mendak!"Naira said coming in with a smile.

"What are you doing?!Aren't you supposed to be taking rest?!"Kartik asked keeping his phone aside when he saw her come.

"I am fine. Don't act like my Mumma,papa and Bhai now. And I brought us something!"Naira said and showed his the two ice cream cups she brought for them.

"You got sick because you ate noodles and now you want to eat ice cream huh?!"Kartik asked

"Arey my cute Mendak!you know I love ice creams and I don't suck for eating them!"Naira said and sat besides him on the bed.

"And here now eat!At least for me!"Naira said with a pout.

"Fine don't start your emotional blackmail!"Kartik said and took the ice cream. Both of them started to eat and Kartik simply adored Naira who was eating it so cutely.

"Here eat mine as well!"He said giving it to her.

"Why don't you like it?!"Naira asked

"No it is because you love it so much. I am ready to give you anything that you love my sherni so here!"He said

"Aww you are so cute Mendak. I am happy to know how you feel but you don't need to do it now. Eat it and if I eat your's too pakka I will catch cold and Mumma will never let me eat outside food again!"Naira said. Kartik smiled and then they finished eating.

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