chapter 22 : kartik's worry

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"Naira..Listen to me..!"Kartik started but Naira left without saying anything.

He sighed and decided to talk to her in the bus.

"Papa,Uncle we will leave now!"Kartik said saying bye to Manish and Naitik and got inside the bus.

He saw Naira sitting in the second seat from the last and she was looking out.

Naira saw Kartik coming towards her and she immediately pulled Annika who was standing nearby making her to sit besides her.

"Annika,Can you get up?I want to sit with my girlfriend!"Kartik said.

Annika was about to get up but Naira stopped her.

"Annika you won't go anywhere!Sit with me!He can go and find some place to sit!"Naira shot.

"Naira I am sorry naa?Forgive me Jaan!"He said

"I don't care okay?!"Naira said

"Annika get up!"Kartik said

"Annika don't get up!"Naira said firmly and they ended up fighting over this until Annika had it.

"Enough you two!Are you two kids or what?!You guys are fighting and on top of that you both dragged me!"Annika said

"And now I am out of here so you two figure it out for yourself!"Annika said getting up and sat in the back seat.

Kartik smirked and sat besides Naira while Naira looked out.

Then the bus started and they left.

"Naira listen..!"He said tapping on her shoulder.

"What?Why are you irritating me?"Naira asked.

"Look there!"He said pointing towards something outside.

Naira blindly believed him and looked out and he quickly kissed on her cheek shocking her.

"I am sorry..please forgive me naa!"he whined and she sighed.

"Okay fine!"She said and he smiled kissing on her cheek again. 

"Oh hello control yourself!Everyone are here!"She said and if gave her "I don't care" look.


Now it was lunch time and the bus stopped at a hotel.

As everyone started to step down of the bus Naira who was sleeping woke up.

"Naira come!"Annika said.

Naira nodded and was about to get up but saw Kartik sleeping peacefully with his head on her shoulder.

She smiled and slowly moved his lead onto her lap.

"Kartik wake up..!"Naira said caressing his hair.

"Hmmm.."He murmured in sleep.She smiled when she thought of a way to wake him up.Naira kissed on his forehead which immediately woke him up.

"Someone was sleeping just a second ago!"Naira said while he smiled.

"Come on everyone went for lunch,shall we go too?"She asked and he nodded.

Together they got off the bus and went for lunch.


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