chapter 12 : i am sorry

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Kartik came to his house along with Naira.

"Kartik!Where were you?I was calling you from so long..!"Suvarna said coming out of the kitchen when she saw Kartik.

"What happened Maa?Is everything okay?"Kartik asked

"Haa everything is fine. I just got worried since you weren't answering the phone. Who is this girl?"She asked looking at Naira.

"Don't you recognize her?"Kartik asked with a smile and looked at Naira

"What Maa,I thought you would recognize me but you didn't?!"Naira asked

"Maa..?!"Suvarna said in confusion and looked at Kartik.

"Hey Bhagvan!Naira?!"She said and Naira nodded with a smile.

"Naira!Wow it is you!"Suvarna said with a smile and hugged Naira. Just then the remaining members of the family came.

"Look,finally Naira came!"Suvarna said telling the others.

"Naira!It took you these many years to come back?!"Suhasini asked.

"Sorry dadi!"Naira said and went to hug her. Naira meet everyone else and just then Shubham came.

"Naira!"Shubham said hugging her

"Shubham!!How are you?!"Naira asked

"Haa I am great. You?"He asked

"I am very good!God I missed you all so much!Well I missed everyone except this Mendak!"Naira said joking

"Acha Ji?!Fine I will go!"He said and was about to go. Naira didn't stop him so he stopped and looked at her.

"I am going for real. Aren't you going to stop me?"He asked

"So what?Are you going so I will stop you or what?"Naira asked

"Fine!I am going!"He said and was about to go but Naira stopped him by holding his wrist.

"Done with your drama?Now enough and stop being a drama queen!"Naira said.

"Dadi look at her?!She became so mean!"Kartik said going to Suhasini

"Kittu,you aren't any less are you?"She said and everyone laughed

"Fine I understand everyone is on her side now!"He jokingly said.

"Naira,since you are back now I have great ideas for pranks on Bhai. What do you say?"Shubham asked

"Oh hello!What are you saying huh?Trying to get her on your team huh?"Kartik asked after hearing Shubham

"Kartik don't worry I won't play any pranks on you. You are my best friend and why would I do that to you huh?"Naira said

"Yeah that is better!"Kartik said

"Did you really mean what you said?"Shubham whispered pulling Naira close to him

"Did you really believe that?I am always ready to prank my Mendak!"Naira whispered back and both of shook hands with a secret smirk.

Bechara Mendak.

"Chalo,now come with me!"Kartik said

"Where?"Naira asked

"Let's go upstairs!"He said. Naira nodded and then went upstair's to his room along with him.

"Come on in!"Kartik said going inside. Naira smiled and went in.

"Wow,you didn't change anything about your room did you?It is still the same!!"Naira said looking around.

"You choose everything for my room. Did you really think I was going to take them all down?"Kartik asked

"Aww you are so sweet!"Naira said with a smile.

"Come on,let's talk now!"He said and they both sat on his bed.

"So tell me,how were everything. I mean anything great happened after you left Udaipur?"Kartik asked

"No!"Naira said without even wasting a second.

"Naira,are you hiding something from me?"He asked noticing change in her expression.

"No Yaar!I mean my Mumma,papa got separated so things changed completely for me and Bhai because of this. It changed so much for us. When they got separated I stayed with papa and Bhai came back to Udaipur along with Mumma..!"Naira said

"I am sorry Naira,I really wish I was there with you throughout this!I am sorry for not being there for you Naira!"He said

"Are you mad?!Why are you saying sorry?It wasn't your mistake. But I am fine now. Don't worry!"Naira said with a smile.

They spent sometime talking and Suvarna came in.

"Naira,I invited your family members for dinner tonight. So just don't go anywhere okay?"She said

"Okay Maa!"Naira said with a smile and then Suvarna left.

After she left Naira went towards Kartik's closet and went through his clothes.

"What are you doing?"He asked

"I am picking your outfit for tonight!"She said.

"Fine fine!"He said with a smile and stood behind her.

"This will look great!"She said picking out a black shirt and jeans pant.

"Go and get ready!"She said giving him his clothes.

"Naira!!Hi!!"Kirti said coming in.

"Kirti Di!"Naira said and went to hug her.

"Oh my god,it has been so so so many years. How are you?!"She asked

"I am good. How are you di?"Naira asked

"I am great!"She said with a smile.

"Maa said about the dinner plan. Come with me,we will pick something for you to wear!"She said and Naira nodded with a smile.

"You go and get ready in the mean time!"Naira said.

"Haa madam ji I will. Go!"He said and Naira left.

After sometime Kartik got ready and was downstairs in the living room. He was waiting for Naira to come down and saw Kirti come.

"Kirti,where is Naira?"He asked

"Have some patience!"She said and looked towards the stairs.

"Look she is here!"Kirti said which made Kartik to look towards the stairs. Naira was wearing a black color dress which came to her knee length. Kartik was totally mesmerized by her.

"Wow,I look great!"He said.

"Thank you!"Naira said with a smile.


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