chapter 30 : kaira to get married?

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"After you left papa got a heartattack due to the business stress and all.."She said.

"What..?Naira I swear I had no clue about this..if I knew about it do you think I would have stayed there?"He asked and she looked at him.

"So how is he now?"He asked

"He is better..but the doctor told him to take bed rest and stay home.."Naira said.

"So,is naksh looking after the company?"He asked

"No"Naira said


"I am looking after it"She said

"But,naira?What about your academy?You were -"He said but she stopped him

"I was but not now..I can do anything for my papa and he needs me by his side so I will take care of it as long as I need too..bhai is busy with krishna so I had to"Naira said.

"It was so hard for me during those days..I tried to stay strong but his condition got critical then and I was so scared and I really wanted you to be there for me..but you weren't.."She said in a cracking voice.

He looked at her and realised she was crying.

"Naira.."He said wrapping his hand around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug.

"When I told you to leave me alone..I just wanted you to leave me alone for few days so I can think about everything correctly..I didn't expect you to leave me and go like weren't there for me when I needed you the most..those days were nightmare to me.."She said crying.

"I am sorry naira..I really wish I was there for you..if I knew this much has happened I would have came but I had no clue..I am sorry.."He said wiping her tears.

Just then her phone rang and it was akshara calling her.

Naira went to answer it and kartik went inside to speak to shivaay.

He went to Annika's room and called Shivaay outside.

"How could you do this?"Kartik asked confusing him.

"What?"He asked in confusion.

"After I left naira's father got heartattack and you didn't tell me about that.You told me everything related to her except this and that she is working in her father's company!Why Shivaay?why did you keep this away from me?!"Kartik asked

"Kartik..I'm sorry..but your papa didn't want me to tell you.That is why I kept it from you"Shivaay said.

"My papa?"Kartik said.


"What happened kartik?Is everything okay?"Manish asked after kartik called him

"Naira told me about her father's health!Shivaay hid this from me because you didn't let him tell me papa.Why?"Kartik asked

"Kartik listen.."Manish tried to say

"No papa!Just tell me the reason why you hid this from me! Nothing else!"He replied.

"Because Naitik didn't want to worry you.He was the one who told me not to inform you.."Manish said

"What?!"Kartik said

"Haa he said that you just went there and that too for work,so he said he didn't want to bother that is why none of us told you and I told Shivaay also not to tell you.I am sorry that we hid this from you kartik.."He said.


Naira was heading back to her room and when she reached she saw Kartik standing outside the room.

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