chapter 23 : kartik finds naira

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"What the hell do you mean you don't know?!"Kartik shouted.

"We did search together but she said we should slit up so we can cover more ground!I waited for for so long but she didn't come back!"Raghav said.

"And even I searched for her by I couldn't find her..that's why I came back..!"He said

"Even how could you leave a girl alone that too at night time and come huh?"Annika shouted while kartik was very worried.

"Where are you naira..Just wait for some more time..I will come and bring you back safely..!"Kartik said to himself


"Oh my god,I have been walking around for over an hour..But why can't I see the resort?Where the hell am I?"Naira said to herself as she stopped walking and stood there.

"I guess everyone went back...I am sure kartik is very angry at me now.."Naira thought.

"Oh god I am lost...what am I going to do now?"She thought.


"Okay,I am going!"Kartik told Shivaay and Annika as he was about to head to search for naira.

"Kartik,it is late already and you don't know where she will get lost too!"Shivaay said.

"Are you mad?Do you expect me to sit and wait when she is missing?!"Kartik asked

"Kartik I didn't mean like that..Sir said he informed the police and they would be here soon!"Shivaay said

"And that will take time for sure and I am not going to sit here and do nothing while she is alone there!I am going!"Kartik said and went in to look for her.


"I am so tired...!"Naira said sitting on a big rock as her legs were paining so badly.

"Gangamayya,why are you doing this to me?please show me some way to get back to the resort!"Naira said

Just then she heard a sound of a branch break.She quickly stood up and looked around.

"Is someone here?"Naira asked but no response came so she looked around.

Then she felt someone's presence behind her.Someone placed their hand on her shoulder.

"Ahh!"She shouted turning around and was about to slap him but stopped when she heard a familiar voice.


"Kartik?!"She said when she saw him.

She felt so relieved and hugged him tightly.

"Kartik..!"She cried while kartik felt relieved.

"Thank God you are fine!You are okay right?!"He asked cupping her cheek and she nodded as he wipped her tears.

"Kartik..I am sorry.."She said

"Naira,not now..first let's get back to the resort..!"He said hold her hand.

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