chapter 5 : friends

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"Thank you Kartik!"Naira said looking at him.

"You shouldn't have come here alone at this time! What are you doing here alone?"Kartik asked.

"I was at my friend's house. I was going home in the auto rikshaw but it had some problem. My house is just few minutes away so I decided to walk..!"Naira said. She didn't even know why she blurted the whole thing out infront of him but she felt like she knew him and she could trust him.

"I think it is not safe for you to go alone this time. Come on I will drop you off on my bike!"Kartik said.

"No I am fine. I can go alone!"Naira said.

"I am not a stranger or a guy like Dhruv and his friends. I am also studying in your college!"Kartik replied.

"Okay..!"Naira said agreeing. Kartik started his bike and Naira sat behind him. Naira told him the directions as he drove. Being that close to each other both of them felt an unknown connection and tried to brush it off but they couldn't.

After sometime Kartik stopped his bike outside the Maheswari's house.

"Thank you so much for your help Kartik!"Naira said getting off the bike.

"Your welcome!"He said with a small smile.

"I will see you tomorrow at college!"Naira said. Kartik nodded and Naira went inside. That was when he realized one thing.

"Shit I forgot to ask her name!"He said to himself after she went inside.

"It is fine. You will meet her again tomorrow Kartik. You can ask her that tomorrow!"He said to himself and then drove off.

"Naira!Where were you? Why did it take so long for you to come home?!We were all so worried!"Naksh said as soon as Naira came inside.

"Bhai I am fine. I told you I was at my friend's house naa!"Naira said.

"Naira tell me how was your first day huh? How was the college?!Did you make friends?"Akshara asked.

"Haa Mumma it is amazing. I totally love it. I met a girl name Annika! I went to her house only. Her family is also so amazing. They were so sweet!"Naira said with a smile.

"Then let's invite them for lunch or dinner this Sunday. Tell them okay?"Akshara said and Naira nodded with a smile.

"Naira Di scared everyone on her first day itself. She slapped a guy named Dhruv who is ragging students!"Mishti said without realizing.

"Huh what? Naira is this true!?"Akshara asked. Naira looked at Mishti and she mouthed sorry.

"Mumma..He crossed his limit and I had to do it.."Naira said. Akshara was going to say something but was stopped by Naksh.

"Mumma she didn't do anything wrong. It is not Naira's fault so don't scold her!"He said.

"And Naira if that Dhruv ever tries to bother you again you let me know! I will take care of him!"he said and Naira nodded.

"Go freshen up and get some rest!"Akshara said. Naira nodded and went upstairs.

After sometime she went into Naksh's room.

"Bhai,is my bracelet fixed? Did you bring it back?Where is it?"Naira asked.

"Naira actually he said it will take some time. He said he will try to fix it as soon as he can. Trust me he will do a great job with it and your bracelet is in good hands so don't worry!"Naksh said and Naira nodded.

Next day Naira got ready and left to college along with Mishti and Naksh was dropping them off in his car.

He dropped them off and left. Mishti went to her class while Naira met with Annika

"Morning! Did you reach home safely last night?"Annika asked.

"Nothing happened to me but that Dhruv and his friends planned to attack on me last night..!"Naira said and explained Naira what happened.

They were talking about last night issue while heading to their class. Meanwhile Kartik and Shivaay were also coming in the opposite direction.

Both Kartik and Naira didn't notice each other and ended up bumping into each other. Naira lost balance and was about to fall but Kartik caught her right on time preventing the fall.

"Are you okay?"Kartik asked but Naira was totally lost in him and was staring at him.

"Excuse me?!"He said bringing Naira out of her thoughts.

"Haa I am fine!"Naira said looking away. Kartik then helped her stand up. Shivaay and Annika both are watching this scene interestingly.

"Thank you once again!"Naira said with a smile.

"Your welcome again!"Kartik replied.

"So I will see you in class?"Naira asked.

"Yeah sure! See you then!"Kartik said with a smile.

Naira turned around and was heading to class along with Annika and Kartik realized he forgot to ask her name again.

"Hey wait up! You didn't tell me your name!"He shouted.

"Naira!"Naira turned around with a smile telling him her name.

Kartik was shocked when he heard her name.

" she my Naira only?!"He thought. He looked at Naira again but she already went inside the class.

"Bro let's go or else we will be late!"Shivaay said bringing Kartik out of his thoughts. Kartik quickly went inside the class and was about to go towards Naira but stopped when the professor came in.

Without any choice he went to his place and sat down. During the whole time of class Kartik kept looking at Naira and kept wondering if she really was his Naira.

Once class was done Naira and Annika were leaving the class and Kartik quickly rushed out.

"Naira wait!"He said calling her but Naira couldn't hear as it was crowded outside.

"Kartik wait up!"Shivaay called Kartik who ran towards Naira.

"What's up with him?"Shivaay thought.

"Annika so are you free this Sunday?"Naira asked.

"Haa I am! What's up?"Annika asked.

"Actually my Mumma invited you and your parents for dinner. So will you come?"Naira asked.

"Sure!"Annika said with a smile.

"Naira wait up!"Kartik said. Naira stopped on her tracks when she heard Kartik's house. She turned around and he came and held her wrist.

Kartik searched for her bracelet but he didn't find her wearing it.

"I guess she is not my Naira..Naira promised she would never take it and I am sure she wouldn't do it!"Kartik said to himself.

"Kartik!What happened?Everything okay?"Naira asked.

"Yeah everything is fine..!"Kartik said letting go of her hand.

"Okay then I will see you later!"Naira said with a smile. Kartik nodded. Then she left along with Annika.


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