chapter 18 : kartik's proposal

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"You will be fine so don't worry!"Kartik said trying to calm her down

"Things like this always happen to me!"Naira cried

"Naira are you mad?You have 6 whole months!That is half of a year!Stop thinking about that competition now and think about your leg!"He said and she became silent and just then Mishti came along with the doctor.

The doctor came in and then checked her leg.

"Don't worry,it is nothing huge!It is swollen so apply ice on it and get rest.It is good that you didn't fall from more height other wise it would have been complicated.You are lucky!"The doctor said

"Just get some rest for a week and you will be back to normal!"He said

"Thank you doctor!"Kartik said.Then doctor left and Mishti went downstairs.

Kartik and Naira stayed silent for a while and Naira decided to break the silent.

"Did you come to tell me something?"Naira asked looking at Kartik.

"Naira..I —"He once again got interrupted when Akshara,Naitik and everyone else came.

"Naira!What happened?!How are you?"Akshara asked hugging her

"Princess how did this happen?"Naitik asked

"Papa,Mumma please calm down..I am totally fine!My leg is just swollen a bit so nothing to worry.I will be fine in a week!"Naira said

"Why are you so reckless Naira?!"Naksh said

"Bhai please..!"Naira said and Akshara signaled to Naksh to calm down.

"I will leave now!Naira I will see you later!"Kartik said and then left.


Naira came to college with Annika next day.They were in the parking area and Shivaay came towards them.

"Shivaay,where is Kartik?!"Naira asked looking around for him

"I guess he is with Neha!"He said

"Neha?He is with Neha?"Naira asked feeling jealous

"I guess so!Last time I saw him he was with her so he must be with her!"He said.

Annika noticed the change in Naira's expressions and felt annoyed with Kartik's behavior.

"Okay,I will go search for him!"Naira said and Shivaay nodded.

Naira then left leaving Shivaay and Annika back there.

"What the hell is going on in his mind?!"Annika asked

"Don't ask me!I myself have no clue what he is doing!I just hope he wouldn't do something stupid!"Shivaay said.


Naira was seen searching for Kartik.She searched for him everywhere in the college and only basketball court was there.

She went there but stopped on her tracks when she saw Kartik sitting on the bleachers and he was not alone.Neha was there with him and they were talking and laughing over something.

"I have been waiting for him to my proposal but he is acting like nothing ever happened!Is he trying to ignore me or what?"Naira thought feeling very hurt with his behavior.

Without say anything else she left the court and went inside the washroom.She stood infront of the mirror and saw tears brimming down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying Naira?!I can't be weak like this?"Naira said to herself and washed her face.

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