chapter 2 : naira moves back to india

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Naira went downstairs to talk to Naitik regarding what Akshara said. When she went down into the living room where she saw him working on his laptop sitting on the sofa.

"Papa I need to talk to you about something important.." Naira said sitting next to him

"Haa princess what is it?" He asked looking at her

"Papa..Actually..I want to go to udaipur..." Naira said gathering up some courage

"But why Princess? Do you have some work there?" He questioned

"No papa but I want to finish my final year of college there.." Naira said

"Acha okay then! If you want to go then you can go!" Naitik said and naira at first could not believe if that was true.

"Really? Thank you so much papa! You are the best!" Naira said happily and hugged

"Okay I will start making arrangements for your transfer then! I will talk to your college people here and there!" Naitik said and naira stood up

"Okay then I will inform Mumma that I am going to come home!" Naira said

"Wait what? Are you planning to go and live Akshara?" Naitik asked

"Of course papa! I will live with mumma. Wasn't that what you meant and where else was I going to stay?" Naira said

"Naira I meant to say that you should stay at our house there with your dadi and all!" Naitik said

"Papa please..." Naira said

"Naira you know I give you everything you want except this... You know how much I love you princess.." Naitik said looking at her. Naira understood he changed his thoughts. Without saying another word she went to her room.

"This is not fair.. I know last few years have been very hard for my family after my parents to got separated... I love both of them a lot and I spent many years with papa! Mumma wants me to come there but papa.." Naira said to herself and just then her phone rang.

"Naira did you talk to him?" Akshara asked as soon as naira answered the call

"Haa I did but he didn't agree" Naira said and explained her what happened.

"Oh.. We can't get him to change his decision beta.. forget about it then we will meet some other time..!" Akshara said dejected and naira could sense she was upset about this. After talking for some time naira ended the call.

During the dinner time Naira was eating silently without looking at naitik. After naira finished eating she was about to leave but stopped when naitik spoke

"Naira please sit! I need to talk to you about something" Naitik said. Naira nodded and sat.

"Princess I am sorry for what happened earlier. I didn't mean it in that way.." Naitik said

"No papa it is alright. You don't need to say sorry for that.." Naira said

"Here take this.." He said taking out a ticket

"What is it papa?" Naira asked in confusion

"You wanted to go to india right? Then here are the tickets!" Naitik said giving naira the flight ticket to Udaipur

"Seriously? You want me to go?" Naira asked and naitik nodded with a small smile which made naira happy. She got excited and hugged.

"Thank you papa, Thank you so much. You are the best!" Naira said

"Anything for you naira. You go inform your mumma and pack your clothes. Your flight is tomorrow at 7pm!" Naitik said

"Tomorrow? Isn't too fast? We still need to talk to my college.." Naira started speaking but stopped when naitik spoke

"You don't need to worry about that because I talked to your principal here and made all the arrangements. You just go and do what you need to do and get some sleep because you will have to wake up early tomorrow " Naitik said. Naira nodded and then went to start packing. While she was packing she informed Akshara and then continued packing.

Next day Naira and Naitik were outside the airport while Naira was talking to him.

"Please promise me you will take care of yourself. You need to come home on time. No late hours at our office. Eat on time and have your medicines correctly and on time. Promise na papa!"Naira said

"I will. I promise you I will take care of myself. And you also take care of yourself. All the rules you gave me now apply for you too. Be safe and careful!"He said and Naira nodded hugging him.

"I will miss you so much papa. Please take care of yourself!"Naira said

"Naira I will be fine. Don't worry! I will miss you too"He replied and then broke the hug.

"You better go now or else you will miss your flight now!"Naitik said. Naira nodded and then left. After finishing the security check and all she later boarded the flight to Udaipur and it took off.

Meanwhile at Goenka Villa Suvarna went inside Kartik's room.

"Kartik! Come on wake up! You are already late and if you don't wake up you will get more late!"Suvarna said pushing the curtains away making the sun rays to fall on his face. Kartik pulled the duvet covering his face but Suvarna pulled it away.

"You slept enough. Come on beta please don't do this   If your papa finds out you are late again today he will give lecture to both of us. Come on come on!"She said waking him

"If you think that much about him why did you even marry him maa? Always he's after you and me!"Kartik joked waking up and sitting on his bed while Suvarna smiled.

"Finally you are up! Now come on. Go get ready and come and I will prepare the breakfast in the mean time!"Suvarna said. Kartik nodded and then she left his room.

Kartik got off the bed and went towards the closet to take out his clothes. When he opened the door a handkerchief fell down near his feet. Kartik picked it up and he saw his and her names written on the edge of it. He opened it completely and saw his and Naira's name next to each other.

"It has been so many years but you never came back to see me or even replied to any of my messages. What happened to you Naira? Why did you change so much?"Kartik said to himself.

After Naira moved to Switzerland with her family back then Kartik and Naira remained in contact for a year and everything went well. But after an year Naira stopped replying him and never even messaged him.

Kartik waited for her but he got nothing. He believed she changed and forgot him but her situation was different.

Kartik came out of his thoughts and then folded it and kept it back inside his college back and then went to get ready.

After he got ready he went down taking his bag.

"Good morning Dadi!"Kartik said hugging Suhasini

"Good morning Kittu! Go and have breakfast. Don't waste time or else you will be late for college!"She said. Kartik went into the dining room and finished his breakfast. As he finished eating his best friend Shivaay came.

"Good morning Everyone!"Shivaay said with a smile greeting everyone and they replied them.

"Come on bro let's go!"Kartik said. Shivaay nodded and then they left for college. They reached the college and then went to their their first class. As the teacher was busy explaining Kartik was lost in his thoughts thinking about Naira.


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