1. Christmas Wrapping

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None of the characters belong to me.
All belong to either DC or Rick Riordan respectively.

This is a story about Jason Todd and Percy Jackson... if you aren't okay with cussing and mature themes why are you even here?

Also I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, literally nothing in this book is planned so we will see where this goes.

Jason Todd- 21
Perseus Jackson-21


It was an ordinary night out on patrol as the Red hood, Jason had yet to run into the big bad bat so the night was actually going relatively good... for once.
The crime capital of the world was surprisedly quiet, so far the Red hood had only stopped a mugging and busted a small isolated drug deal.
It's like the calm before the storm.

He couldn't get it out of his head that something was going to happen tonight, usually around Christmas crime went up.
Father's not having enough money to buy their kids presents trying to make just a little extra, crooks taking advantage of the busy time of year...whatever it was, it was always almost the most difficult time of year.
The most difficult being Halloween and the annual invasion/ "master plan".

With a small smile he thought fondly of his time as Robin, it was one of the best times of his life foiling crime with the world's greatest detective.
But that was over now.
He was the Red hood and he was going to protect his city no matter what Bruce said.

A yell from the building over made him look up from the jewelry store he was looking at.
Time to be a 'hero.'

Jogging to the edge of the building he watched in amusement as a pretty dark haired woman quickly pulled smoking blue Christmas cookies out of the oven.
Sloppily setting down the hot tray on the counter.
Jason saw what had made her cry out, she had a deep cut on her finger which she ignored as she went back to wrapping the gifts.

The Red hood chuckled deeply as the pretty lady twisted the delicate paper around the plain box in confusion, she clearly didn't know what she was doing.

With one last chuckle he stood up from his perch and grabbed his grappling gun, he was going to get her number and be a 'hero.'
He, after all, had much practice wrapping gifts during his stay at Wayne manor it was a tradition for young Jason to help the kind old butler wrap the presents, and Jason had gotten pretty good at it.

He silently stepped through the open window, deciding to wait to announce his presence until the green-eyed beauty put down the sharp scissors.


It was Percy's first Christmas alone, her first year after completing college at New Rome.
The daughter of Poseidon was having a...difficult time wrapping the last of the presents for the other seven, usually she would get Annabeth to help her {It wasn't like the daughter of Athena hadn't already guessed and known what Percy had gotten her.}
So this was a first, she had already cut herself with the scissors, ironically just when she ran out of ambrosia and nectar and Will was due the day after to bring her more of the godly food and drink.

She hummed softly to herself as she tried to distract herself from the tantalizing smell of the cookies just a few feet away.
Blue cookies really are the best. It doesn't matter if they are chocolate chip, or Christmas cookies, or-

Her delicious food spiral was cut short by the smallest creak on the floor boards just in front of the window, too quiet for mortal ears.

There was someone behind her.

In a smooth quick motion Percy adjusted her grip on the scissors and threw it right beside the person's head, implanting it deep into the drywall. "Get out of my apartment you creep- wha?!"

The man before her held his hands up in surrender, he wore cargo pants with two handguns strapped to either thigh.
But the thing that caught her attention most, however, was the bright red bat emblem on his chest body amour as well as the gleaming red helmet he wore.
Before her stood the Red hood.

To be continued.....

Or not...

Jason blinked as the scissors imbedded themselves into the wall just inches from his head.
She had good aim, he had to give her that.
Holding up his hands in surrender he regretted not announcing his presence sooner.
Now I look like f*cking creep.

"Sorry ab-"
Before he could finish his apology she rushed over to yank out the scissors and inspect the hole.
"Ah man! I just moved in here! My cousins haven't even had a chance to wreck the place yet man. Gods don't scare me like that! Didn't daddy bat ever teach you not to sneak up on people you don't know?!"

He stared at her a minute before shaking his head and chuckling. "I'm sorry...miss, I was just going to help you with your wrapping because-" He cut himself off.
What was he supposed to say?
'I was watching you through the window and saw you were having a hard time. Also what's your number?'
For some strange reason he knew that it would make him look like even more of a creep.

But she only looked at him with a look that seemed to demand an answer.
Which isn't surprising because I did just come into her apartment.

"I just thought you might want help."
He said with a defeated slump of his shoulders, to his astonishment she simply nodded at his words, excepting them as an appropriate response giving him a lopsided grin.

"Very well, I will gladly except your help. Only if you promise to try a blue cookie."
She held out her hand to him.
"I'm Percy, Percy Jackson."

After a moments pause he took it.
"I'm the Red hood."


Hehe I'm excited

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