2. Higher Powers

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"Okay I have to admit, I've had my fair amount of good Christmas cookies, but this beats them all."  Percy smiled at the Red hood gleefully, her eyes sparkling with pride.
"What can I say? My mother's recipe beats all!" The man shook his head as he laughed, his shaggy black hair whipping around along with the movement.
He had taken his helmet off just before sitting down, revealing a sharp jaw as well as a blood-red domino mask underneath.

Percy felt her cheeks flush as she realized her thoughts, desperate to distract herself she quickly asked a question. "So what beings the Red hood all the way over here? Don't you usually patrol the east side of Gotham?"

He stared at her, and Percy would have felt uncomfortable under the intense gaze if it wasn't for you-know... standing before the Olympian gods and basically telling them to go f*ck themselves, fighting Ares(and winning), fighting Gaea, and surviving Tartarus.
"How do you know so much about me? Because if I remember correctly no one knows that I'm connected to the bat."
At that, she couldn't help but smile smugly. "Let's just say I know people." She said as she winked.
The dude had a bat emblem on his chest.

Her words left them in silence, neither quite knowing what to say.


"So uh.. What is Percy short for?" The Red Hood was desperate to break the awkward silence, internally cursing himself for not reading 'the guide to talking with women' book Dick had given him for his birthday years ago.
Besides he thought it was a good question, allowing him to get to know her better, as well as potentially learn about her family background.
He knew there was more to her, and he had to admit it was highly suspicious how she 'knew people'.

The beautiful dark-haired woman laughed musically, a glint of humour in her eyes. "It's short for Perseus. Weird right? My mom was really into Greek mythology at the time so she decided to name me after one of the only heroes with a happy ending."

Even though Percy tried to rub the name's origin as nothing Jason could see that it meant more to her than she let on.
"What about you?" Jason looked up sharply from where his gaze had rested on the counter at the sound of her voice, "What?"
The ravenette motioned towards Jason. "Is there a reason for your name?"

He let a metallic chuckle escape his lips, "Yeah there is." Percy made a 'go on' motion. "Well, it's the name that the man that took everything from me used, thought it was fitting to steal something from him as well."

Percy nodded in agreement, if she was bothered by his words she didn't show it, as she instead plucked up yet another cookie, exposing her cut from earlier in the process.
Without a second thought, the anti-hero snatched up her arm and carefully examined the cut. "That's pretty deep... do you want me to stitch it up?"
She only shook her head before leaning over to peer at the cut as well.
"Nah I can."
Was the simple response before she stood up from the seat and headed towards what Jason assumed was the bathroom, she paused at the doorway and looked back, a teasing look on her face. "Besides what kind of hostess would I be if I made my guest take care of me?"

Percy came back only moments later, a small first-aid kit held firmly in her hand, shooting him a smile as she sat back down beside him on the barstool.
She set the small box on the counter before she carefully opened it, grabbing some gauze to soak up the blood, Jason watched silently as she expertly began to stitch the ripped flesh together.
She isn't half bad, in fact, she's almost as good as Alfred.

The anti-hero had not missed how the small kit contained everything you could possibly require for an assortment of injuries, it looked eerily similar to the one Jason had at home, and Jason was an anti-hero as well as mob-boss.
Why would she need all this?

It wasn't long until she was stitched up, Jason inspected the long cut and smiled in satisfaction.
She was good.
Yet that worried him, you only got good at this sort of thing from practice, and by the looks of things she was perfectly used to as well as able to stitch herself up, something Jason had to admit he himself wasn't too good at.
"So are you going to help me wrap these presents Red? Or are you just going to sit there staring at me all night?" Jason grinned slyly.


Jason stayed there for most of the night, talking with the beautiful Perseus Jackson.
It wasn't until the sun began to rise that he decided he should leave, he had stuff he needed to do tomorrow...er today.

With a final wave, he jumped from the window, doing an interact flip as Grayson had taught him as he grappled away.
Ha, that was cool.

As he made his way home his thoughts still lingered on the green-eyed beauty who wasn't frightened at all by the presence of the infamous Red hood.


Percy resisted the urge to upchuck as she thought of the way she had acted towards the mysterious ex-robin that was in her apartment just moments before, her cheeks a deep shade of red.

"What in Hades was I....." Her eyes widened in realization. "Aphrodite!! Where are you? You little m-"
She was cut off as she breathed in a big gulp of perfume causing her to have a coughing fit, a silky voice chuckled behind her, making the demigod daughter of Poseidon whip around quickly, only to come face-to-face with the goddess of love herself. "Why you-"
"Now now Percy dear, I was only trying to help you. Why you're so hopeless when it comes to love even I have a hard time pairing you with someone."

Percy stared offended at the goddess's words. "I'm not-" she was cut off again.
"Yes, you are dear, why it's been nearly five years since you last kissed and-"
"Okay, okay I get it. But I don't understand why it had to be him... I mean..."
Not that I'm complaining.

She took some time to study the goddess, now realizing that she appeared differently than she had last time she had (unfortunately) seen her. Aphrodite now possessed pitch-black hair and her eyes were now an almost toxic shade of green.

"Ah so you finally noticed dear, I wonder who else has these beautiful bright green eyes." Percy couldn't help but roll her eyes at the smug expression on the goddess's face, one that quickly turned to excitement as she let out a shrill scream.
"Ahhhhhh This is going to be amazing! The love story of centuries!! An anti-hero falls in love with a beautiful mysterious girl... but there's more than meets the eye for the two of them." She took a pause for a gulp of air. (Even though Percy was sure she didn't need it) "She's the legendary heroine of Olympus, the slayer of a thousand monsters, survivor of two wars, and he's a-" she cut herself off with a chuckle.
"Oops, spoilers."

At this point, Percy couldn't help herself as she picked up the nearest object and chucked it at the gleeful goddess.
Unfortunately, Aphrodite ducked and the pair of scissors ended up in the wall... again.

"Fine fine I'll leave, I can tell when I'm not being appreciated." She paused on her way to the door and turned towards something unseen.
"You and I my dear readers are going to have fun seeing this all play out."

"Styx! Just get out all read-"

Before she could finish the goddess was gone in a puff of pink smoke.

What have I gotten into now?


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