5. Bat-Cave

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"Ugh!" Jason slammed his fist into the table. "You've gotta be shittin' me!"
Now Jason wasn't a hacker per say, but he liked to think he was mildly capable when it came to computers.
The red blinking access denied was not helping.

But the real question was why the hell was this dude's files so heavily encrypted?
Now Jason was curious, well more curious than he was before. He had canceled his meeting, telling his second-in-command to 'figure it out', Jason was desperate to figure out who this Octavian was and what history he had with Percy.

But that was three hours ago.

And now Jason was frustrated, he hated to admit it but he needed help.

So that's how he ended up here.

The door swung open after just two knocks, the only sign of surprise on the kind butler's face at the sight of the black sheep was the way his eyebrow slightly twitched upward. "Master Jason, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"I need to use the computer for something." Alfred simply nodded at his response, opening the door wider for Jason to past through.
He flashed the kind old butler one last smirk before making his way through the winding halls of Wayne manor towards the study.

Jason held in a groan of annoyance as he caught sight of his dearest brother when he rounded the corner.
"Wow Jaybird, whatcha doing here?"
Jason choose to ignore Dick as he pushed past him, heading down to the basement aka the Batcave.

"Woah, someone's cranky. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, again?" Rolling his eyes at Dick's words Jason continued on his way to the Batcave, silently cursing himself for not coming in through the cave instead of through the manor.
Why didn't I just do that?

Not the first time, Jason found himself hoping that Bruce wasn't home, which was stupid really.
Because even if he wasn't, when Alfred contacted the old man that Jason was at the manor he knew it was only a matter of time before the kill-joy arrived.
And the conversation that would ensue when Bruce arrived would be... awkward.

"Okay what is it? You just be pretty needy to come here after your last convo with B." The dark-haired man could practically hear the frown in his brother's voice, granted Dick wasn't wrong.
His last conversation with Ol' Brucie hadn't exactly been 'amazing'. The old man practically told him that if he were to kill anyone whilst in Gotham the big bad bat was gonna beat the absolute shit out of him then drag his ass to Arkham.

Jason being the absolute diplomat that he is {*Note sarcasm.} said that he would 'try'.
If Bruce wasn't such a stuck up prick, he could've used that priceless opportunity to quote the ever wise master Yoda.

Deciding that he had been quiet too long and Dick might begin to worry that Jason was planning a murder when he wasn't, (Not yet at least) he finally answered his dear older brother.

"Just had some trouble with computers." Glancing at Dick from the corner of his eye, Jason frowned slightly. "Speaking of which, why are you here? Don't you have your own city?"

Jason would have scowled at the way Dick smiled brightly at him, if he wasn't so pre-occupied with thoughts of Bruce and Octavian.
"Aww you do care Jay! I came to help B with a case, he finally asked for hel-" The elder paused mid-stride as he glanced down at his watch, his eyes shooting wide. "-I need to get back to Blüdhaven pronto."

For the first time Jason noticed the large duffel bag hanging on his brother's shoulder, which most likely held his flashy costume.
Granted I can't say anything about it, considering mine...

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