13. The Call

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Finding the 'ambrosia' and 'nectar' in the demigod's apartment was surprisingly straightforward. All it took was finding the same medical kit Percy had used in their first meeting, then shuffling around until he found something that could possibly be the 'food of the gods' and 'nectar'.

Returning to the apartment was much the same, no one bothered stopping a young man hauling an unconscious woman who had very clearly been beaten up, hell, he didn't even get a second glance. Fucking Gotham for you.

He would hate the damn city if it wasn't home.

Plopping the demigod down on the couch with care, Jason took a step back and sighed heavily. What the fuck was his life.

Coming back to life? Sure, why not? Having daddy issues with a grown-ass man that dressed as a bat? Yeah, just another Tuesday. The hot chick he'd been hitting being a demigod? Honestly, sure, it made sense. Hotel? Trivago.

His life was wack, at this point all he could do was fully embrace it.

Leading back to the golden question, what the fucking fuck was he supposed to do with the nectar and ambrosia. Percy said it would help, but was he supposed to shove it down her throat like a mad man or wait for her to wake up in a civilized manner?

The choice was—luckily—taken from him as the resident sleeping beauty began to stir, causing Jason to sigh loudly with relief. Yet, when Percy began to mumble in another language, one that Jason did not know, he groaned.

"I swear to—if you somehow mystically forget English and we have to play charades I'm knocking you back the fuck out."

Green met green as suddenly the demigod was drowsily staring at Jason. "What the Hades is wrong with you?" Percy asked with a tired voice, still worn from whatever the heck she had done.

"My brain exploded." He answered helpfully with a cheeky grin.

Ignoring her deadpan look completely, Jason bent down and shoved the small flask and bag of food into her arms. "Here."

He watched in mild amusement as the black haired woman blinked in confusion at the two items in her hands.

"How did you—you know what? I don't want to know." Carefully, with practiced ease, Percy tore a small piece of the golden bar and slide it into her mouth; moaning quietly as she chewed on the food.

"Save that for later, doll."

"Oh shut up."

Gulping down the food, Percy took a small sip of the liquid within the flask. Closing her eyes for a moment Jason watched in wonder as the weariness seemed to drain out of her, energy returning to her limbs.

"What is 'nectar' exactly? Is it the 'drink of the gods' ' or somethin?"

Opening her eyes, Percy gasped dramatically and for a quick second Jason thought something was wrong; until he saw the glimmer of amusement in her eyes. "So that pretty head of yours isn't just for looks! Wow, were you trained by the word's greatest detective or something?"

Rolling his eyes at her, the twenty-one-year-old sat on the chair beside the couch the ravenette occupied. "How do you know so much about me? Did a god tell you?"

Mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like 'thank the gods I wasn't born a man' under her breath, Percy sat up on the couch and shot Jason a deadpan look, "oh honey...you poor dumb thing." Opening his mouth to retort Jason was cut off, "you have a fucking bat-symbol plastered to your chest."

Daddy Issues {PercyJacksonXJasonTodd}Where stories live. Discover now