19. Sticks and Stones

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Five Years Later


HUMMING TO HERSELF, PERCY SWAYED ALONG with music as she finished up the dishes. Jason would be home soon to make dinner and Percy found herself looking forward to a quiet night in as her husband also had the night off on patrol. These past weeks had been hectic, they both deserved some downtime.

Of course, that was when erratic knocking sounded at the door, tapping to the beat of ABBA's Mama Mia.

With a deep breath, Percy slouched over the sink, her hands coming to rest in the warm water as she fought back the sudden wave of irritation. Cupping her hand over her mouth she let out a muffled scream before straightening her back and waddling to the door.

She opened the door to find four heads of raven hair, not one being her husband. The sound of water shooting out of the sink sounded behind her as a sudden flare of annoyance once again sprung its head.


Percy didn't ask how they knew—they were the bats of course they knew—and instead swung the door wider for Bruce, Dick, Tim and Damian.
"Thank you." She smiled as cheerfully as she could muster as she ushered them inside, giving Damian's hair a ruffle as he stepped past.

Tim came to perch on the counter, giving her a warm smile as he kicked his legs. "You're going to make an amazing mother, Percy. But who would have thought that Jason would become a father before Dick." The younger shot Dick a teasing look, "then again, Dick can't seem to decide which ginger he loves the most."

Giving Tim an exasperated look, Dick pointed a finger at the young genius, "like you have room to talk! Just last week.." Percy rolled her eyes as the two began to bicker, just the stress-free afternoon she wanted.

A small hand gave her sleeve a tug and the tiny demon child was staring up at her when she glanced down. "I could chase them out if you wish, Miss Percy."

Damian Al Ghul-Wayne had apparently grown up on bedtime stories while in the 'league of Assassins' of 'the great demigods of the past' and she had supposedly made the list, giving her the honour of being the small child's demigod idol. A role she did not take lightly.

Carding a hand through the small bean's hair, Percy gave him a genuine smile, "it's all good sweetheart," she ignored the face Tim pulled at the nickname "I can' just chase my brothers-in-law out no matter how much they annoy me." She spoke the last part rather loudly, her voice breaking through the bickering, making both adults freeze mid-sentence.

"Sorry, Perce."
"Sorry, Percy."
They echoed sheepishly in the face of an irritated pregnant Perseus Todd-Jackson.

"Better," she conceded, coming to rest on the couch. "So why are you really here?" She cut Dick off as he opened his mouth, "because, there is no way you are just 'dropping by', you bats aren't that normal."

Bruce let out a small cough, making Percy raise her brow as she glanced over at him. "How are you and Jason..doing?"

"Whatever do you mean by that, Bruce?" The demigod asked innocently, her brow still raised. Yet there was an edge to her voice.

Rubbing a hand against the back of his neck, Bruch let out a small breath. His posture tense as his pale blue eyes observed her. "Since Jason is no longer a Crime Boss, I was simply wondering-"

"We are good without your money, Bruce. Beisdes Jason would simply put it in a pile and blow it up."

"Tt Todd will be an abominable father." The small child glanced at her from the corner of his eye, "however, you may prove to be an adequate mother."

"Aww, thanks sweetie." She smiles to herself as the small bean ducked his head, his red ears the only proof as to what he was hiding.

"If you ever need a babysitter, I'm absolutely available. I just hope they take more after you and not," Tim shuttered, "Jason."

"If you ever need anything—"

"Thanks, Bruce, but I think we'll be fine. Jason still has loads of money from his crime boss days—he made a gods-ton," the older man frowned ag that, "and the gods still owe me for saving their asses."

The billionaire's frown deepened, clearly still not satisfied, but the door flinging open saved Percy from arguing with him further.

"I'm home!" Jason's voice rang through the apartment, "why the fuck is the shit-show here?"

Taking a single step in front of Percy, the little kid frowned at the new arrival. "Tsk, do not swear in the presence of a child, Todd. Let alone your own."

"I do what I fucking want demon baby."

Flopping back on the couch, Dick let out a groan as he twisted his hand under him. Pulling out a book from under him, the man let out an amused huff. "Still can't believe you let him take over decorations," he eyed the book dryly as he laid it on the coffee table.

The demigod sighed at the older man. "I helped..a little."

Her husband levelled her with a blank look, "you added blue," he turned to his older brother, "and that's isn't decorating. That's The Eye of the World, a book I am currently re-reading. You both equally suck at decor."

"Hey! I stopped you from getting that custom headboard that read 'here lies Jason Peter Todd'."

"That was one thing and it was beautiful, I'll have you know."

"..and I threw out that blanket you—somehow—knitted that read 'sticks and stones may break my bones but a crowbar would do it so much quicker'."

Damian shook his head at that, his lips drawn back in disgust. "Tut, you have just proved my point, Todd will be a horrendous father," the child turned to Percy, his chin tilted upward as his mouth moved to form a smug smile. "At least my niece will have me to instruct her along the right path."

Jason gave a snort at that,"you were raised as a murder baby—how the fu-"

Shoving her elbow into her Husband's ribs, Percy pulled a face. "No swearing in front of the murder baby, Jason!"

"You shut up! You swear just as much as me, doll."

"Yeah, but I couldn't resist the chance to hit you."


High above, a figure cloaked in pink squealed in excitement, her musical voice laughing with delight.

"What did I tell you dears?" She asked seemingly no one with a wink, "I told you we would have fun watching this play out."
With a 'pop' she was gone, the air that was occupied just moments before left empty. As if no one had ever been there at all.

The end.

For now..


Thank you all for taking this journey with me! I'm so grateful for everyone of you! It had been an absolute pleasure writing this book for you guys and I hope you enjoyed it
Thank you all for the lovely comments along the way that made me smile.

We have finally reached the end!!

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