10. Too Beautiful To Die

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<There are a lot of POV changes throughout this chapter so sorry about that>


Percy found herself agreeing with Jason's word choice, 'fuck' was very suitable for the situation they were currently in.
Sure she had only lived in Gotham for a year, but a year in the crime capital of the world fills you in on all the crazy villain to deadly mercenary facts.

Percy Jackson was very much aware of who Deathstroke was and the man was standing in front of them.

The question was, what to do?
Could she expose herself as a demigod to Jason? She glanced over at the man in question. He was on his feet as was she, glaring daggers at the mercenary before them.

Before she was even aware of what was happening, Jason picked up his chair and launched it at the window. The glass shattered at the impact, and suddenly Jason's hand was in hers and they were leaping out the window and running down the street.
Well, at least my life isn't boring.


Sure, Redhood could take Deathstroke in a fight, however, an empty-handed Jason Todd? Dick was the dreamer not him.

No, Jason knew without a doubt that if he even attempted fighting Deathstroke the Terminator here and now, the mercenary would be the victor.
However, Slade Wilson had not become one of the world's most deadly mercenaries by easily giving up the chase, once he had a contract he stuck to it.

Jason would need his weapons.

But the question was, what is Deathstroke's contract? Was it killing Jason? Or perhaps...

He glanced back at Percy, only slightly surprised to find the ravenette standing beside him. Not cowering in fear, but holding her ground.
God, I love that girl.

His apartment was too far, by the time they ran the thirty blocks they would be dead. Jason wracked his mind for any hideout or stash, cursing himself for not bringing any weapons in his rush out the door.
The one time I don't bring my guns...

Jason almost sighed out loud when the answer dawned on him. Roy's haunt for whenever he found himself in Gotham was only three blocks away.
Roy's gonna kill me.

Acting on instinct, Jason grabbed the chair he was sitting on just moments before and hurled it out the window. Grabbing Percy's hand, they leapt from the window together, before madly running down the street as fast as humanly possible.
They could make it.


They couldn't make it.
Three blocks seemed more doable in his head, what he had failed to add to that little equation was the fact Deathstroke the Terminator was the one chasing them.
In fact, Jason was impressed they were still alive.

Something Jason very much did not want to admit, was the fact he was honestly almost helpless in these kinds of situations without his gear. But then again, who in their right mind would go against Deathstroke the Terminator without proper gear?

They ran in zigzags, heading towards the nearest alleyway as gunfire rained down on them.
Upon entering, Jason cursed the fact there was no fire escape, the only way up—as well as the only exit—was a drain pipe.
"Can you make it up that?" He asked worriedly. If Percy couldn't, he honestly had no clue what in hell they would do.

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