11. A Confession of Sorts

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"Batman, what is it?" Wonder Woman wasn't stupid, she could tell something was up with Bruce. Yes the dark knight usually kept to himself, but during tonight's meeting he was distracted...though it wasn't blaringly obvious.
As soon as the meeting was over the bat-themed hero had tried to rush off but Diana had intercepted him before he could.

"Jason has a girlfriend."

Percy lunged forward, her trident slashing low as Jason aimed a punch high.

"Do you not think she is good for him?"

"This little fucker!" Percy screamed as one of the mercenary's blades pierced her side. That hurt like Hades!

"No, it's not that...rather the opposite, I think she'll be good for him."

Jason stumbled back after taking yet another heavy hit to the gut, leaving Percy to distract Deathstroke for a couple moments as he regained his baring.
He didn't like how the room seemed to spin.

"So...what's the problem?" The man took a moment to collect his thoughts, his usual frown more defined than usual. "She's been involved in situations...I can't help but be suspicious..."

Percy blocked the blades with her trident, before pushing them away with a spinning motion and swinging the brunt end of her weapon at the mercenary's head.
The man managed to dodge at the last possible second.

"Invite her over for Christmas." She deadpanned.
"What?" Diana almost rolled her eyes at the man. "Invite her over for Christmas dinner."

Jason shot a round of bullets at Deathstroke whenever he got an opening. He found it extremely hard to focus on the mercenary as Percy danced around the blades aimed to kill her.
Who was she really? How was she this skilled?
Her movements carried a grace that spoke of years of experience.

"If you invite her over you not only will be able to see how the two of them interact together, but also freely ask her questions and find out for yourself whatever you want to know." Diana smiled at her old friend. As much as Bruce wanted to pretend he wasn't, he was a family man.
Jason's death had scarred him deeply and now that he was back from the dead Bruce desperately wanted to make things right between them.

Spinning her weapon skillfully in one hand, Percy stretched out her other and slowed the water in the mercenary's blood, making the man halt mid-stride.

"I hope you'll at least consider it."

The effects were drastic enough to give Percy the upper hand that she had needed and her mind whirled on what to do. She couldn't just kill him, but she also couldn't just let him walk away so un-injured.

However much Batman didn't like it, Diana's words stuck with him. Didn't he want to meet Percy? Sure he had already spoken to her, but as Matches.

Following through with the first idea that came to mind, Percy walked up to the mercenary, "bye bitch." Percy said as she gave him a two-fingered salute and promptly kicked Deathstroke out the window just behind him.

This could even be a chance to change things between him and Jason. Bruce wasn't a fool, he knew Jason was disgruntled and hurt over his past mistakes. Clearly, Jason wasn't going to vindicate on his own.

"Did...did you just kick fucking Deathstroke out a window...?"
Jason had stood back and watched the fight in awe, a wide shocked smile on his face as he stared at the gorgeous ravenette before him
"Uh, yeah...I think I just did." She scratched her neck sheepishly.

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