14. Batburger

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@Eplis0n all hail; Yeet Fork

This is mainly dialogue, which is the second reason why this chapter took so long. Sorry that nothing too exciting happens but Jason and Percy needed to have a talk before the chaos starts.

In the meantime, enjoy~


Percy stared up at the fast-food joint before her, it seemed a week since she had gone to work instead of a single day. It was almost funny how her life seemed to continually change drastically in a short span of time.

Granted, the fact that frinkin' assassins were now trying to kill her was just a little cool. She should probably be more worried about that little detail, yet at the same time it wasn't all that different from finding out monsters would love a taste of her flesh because of who her daddy was.

And maybe her lack of fear also had to do with the man that was now helping her.
Jason seemed to know what he was doing and if his reputation was indeed correct then she was no doubt in good hands.

It was a funny thought, that someone she had only met days ago was someone she now fully trusted. He made her feel safe.

'Jason shook his head, a faint smile on his face. "Doll, you just kicked fucking Deathstroke out a window after telling him 'bye bitch'...you're a close second."
The slight awe in his voice mixed with the sincere compliment made her genuinely grin. Then suddenly, the dark-haired man whose apartment she was sitting in, smiled oh so tenderly at her as his gaze seemed to take in every detail of her face; she stared back.

The space between them closed ever so slightly as they both leaned forward, suddenly Percy found herself so close to the feared 'Redhood'.
Gently, Percy placed a hand on his chest feeling his pounding heart, just as Jason slowly moved a strand of hair out of her face, his fingers brushing against her skin. The feel of his fingers sent shivers down her spine.

"You're beautiful."

Percy had heard countless lies in her life. Her mother promising her as a little girl that the next Christmas she would get presents, Gabe telling her he loved her mother, Poseidon telling her he loved her. But those two words held a stone-like certainty and Percy knew that Jason meant them. In Jason Todd's eyes, she was beautiful.

Opening her mouth to respond, only to be cut off by the ringing of a phone.'

Percy fought to control the burning in her cheeks at the memory, trying her hardest to ignore the way her lips forced themselves to tilt upwards at the ends. She was grinning like an idiot. She didn't have time to think of the moderately attractive man she was staying with and whose clothes she was now wearing, it was time for work.
With a quick huff of air, Percy walked into Bat-Burger.


It was fifteen minutes until her shift ended when Percy saw him through the small window from the kitchen to the front counter.
Jason Todd was sitting in a booth smirking at her with a large plate of fries sitting in front of him.
Rolling her eyes at him, the demigod stepped back over to the grill and flipped the patties, ignoring the holes being burnt in the back of her head from his green gaze.
What a dork.

As soon as her shift had ended Percy sauntered over to his booth, a single brow raised in question, "okay, what are you doing here, pretty boy?"

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