15. So It Begins

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Threeish chapters to go my lil gremlins✨✨


What she first noticed was the warmth, the softness of the blankets covering her then the quiet clanking coming from somewhere further away. The familiar smell of cigarettes, dusty old books, leather, sweat and the dark alleys of Gotham mixed together as they hung in the air, almost musky yet not at all unpleasant.

She let herself lay there, tucking her nose deeper into the pillow as she breathed in through her nose, feeling completely warm and secure as she lay in the bed.

Bed? Hadn't she fallen asleep on the couch last night?

With a jerking movement, the demigod sat upright her eyes coming to rest upon the familiar sight of Jason's strangely well put together room (she didn't know a single male that had a nice bed frame, they were always metal).
How had she gotten here? Percy didn't remember ever waking up, only the feeling of Jason's toned chest beneath her as she drifted into sleep.
She felt her cheeks burn at the memory, as well as the realization that the raven-haired man must have carried her.
But then where had Jason slept?

Stepping out of the unnaturally cozy bed, Percy gingerly stepped towards the closed door, the clattering sounds coming from beyond it as well as soft music. Turning the knob, the daughter of Poseidon peeked out into Jason's apartment, her gaze immediately coming to rest on the man in question as he expertly mixed something in a large bowl with his back turned to her.

She watched him in astonishment for a moment as he swayed along with the strange song she didn't recognize, his voice tuning in with the music.

"..Listen up biatch! Lookin' hot, buying stuff they cannot.." Jason sang, his voice higher than usual as he pointed at the wall.

'I like..'

Nodding his head to the music, he once again joined in with his high pitched voice, "drinking hard, maxin' dad's credit card"

'I like..'

"Skippin' gym, scarin' her, screwin' him" Percy covered her mouth with her hand in an attempt to muffle her laughter.
What the fuck?!?!

'I like..'

Jason broke off from the music, belting as he loudly sang horribly off tune, "killer clothes, kickin' nerds in the nose. If you lack the balls you-gah" at that moment Jason turned around with a pose, his eyes immediately finding her own and he froze, his mouth dropping wide open.
Unable to hold in her laughter anymore, Percy bent over as she chuckled, "what the fuck was that?" She asked, her hand still covering her mouth.

"That, was art my dear lady," was his response, but he turned off the music nonetheless, "also, we aren't going to speak of that. Breakfast?" He asked, gesturing towards the very blue batter he was mixing as well as the already forming pile of red pancakes on the counter.

All Percy could do was stare at pile and bowl as her mouth stretched into a wide grin, "blue and red?"

Running a hand through his hair, Jason gave a small nod suddenly finding it difficult to look her in her eyes. "I was, uh, thinking about how we first met," he gestured towards the batter, "you were really proud of your blue cookies, I thought it was cute."
He awkwardly scratched at the back of his neck, " 'thought I'd make some blue pancakes and since I'm the 'red' hood I thought I'd make some red ones as well.." he trailed off, shrugging, "is it too much?"

Daddy Issues {PercyJacksonXJasonTodd}Where stories live. Discover now