8. The Email

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The raven-haired man tapped at his chin in boredom, watching as his laptop downloaded the surveillance footage at the speed of sloth.
Granted he really didn't have anything else on his plate at the moment.
Other than stalking a random dude that scared a cute chick.

Maybe Dick was right, he really did need to get a life.
A blinking data received made Jason sit up. Finally.

The cafe itself had no cameras inside or outside the building, however, luckily the door was in clear view of the traffic cams.
So now all Jason had to do was fast forward to the correct time.
This will be fun.

He forwarded the footage to just minutes before he had arrived and the young man couldn't help but smirk as he watched Percy cross the street, a carefree smile on her face as she opened the door.
The smirk soon turned into a frown as he noticed a fair-headed figure watching the pretty little lady from across the street. Zooming in, Jason's frown deepened into a scowl as he recognized Octavian's shrew-like face even through the grainy screen.
Octavian had been following Percy.

He sat in silence at his kitchen counter as he watched the footage play in real time, not wanting to miss a thing.

Sure enough, just one and a half minutes later he came jogging into view, disappearing into the cafe through the glass doors.

Octavian had stayed where he was, his gaze fixed upon the little shop just as intensely as Jason's gaze now rested on him. Minutes passed and he stayed where he was, leaned against the building adjacent to the coffee shop, most likely watching Percy through the large windows.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Jason found himself smiling in satisfaction, glad that he was going to catch this creep before he could do whatever he was planning to Percy.

Finally the creep moved and Jason didn't miss the long graceful strides he took as he crossed the street, hinting at combative training.
The bastard opened the door and disappeared inside and Jason recounted what had happened.

' Jason raised an eyebrow at the fair-haired man that had been staring at Percy in amusement since the very moment he had entered the cafe.
He would have thought the young adult to be a friend of the pretty ravenette if it wasn't for the dark twinkle in the man's beady eyes.
After years of working first as Robin, and now the Red hood, Jason knew he was up to no good. '

' The fair-haired man made his way to Percy's table and the little lady had yet to look up, still flustered by the wink Jason had shot her just a couple moments before.
He would have thought it cute if he wasn't worried about the man creeping up to her. '

' When he pulled back the chair across from Percy and sat, the ravenettes widened comically a look of nervousness now on her face. She mumbled something before finally looking up at the man... her mouth now wide open on shock. '

' Shock soon turned to disgust and hatred, yet there was underlying fear. '

' Jason cursed the bad angle as he was now unable to read the ravenette's lips as she spat out words at the man, clearly he was no friend. Jason had been right. '

' Soon the pair were standing and then Percy had the man's shirt grasped in her hand, a snarl formed on her lips as she threatened the man.'

' Jason waited until the man was gone and Percy was sitting alone at her table before he stood. He was going to get answers. '

Jason narrowed his eyes as he watched the grainy image of Octavian leave the cafe and head down the street, his expression a mix between anticipation and righteous fury. Whatever that bastard was planning depending on what it was, he was either going to be in a body cast or in a body bag.
Screw Bruce's rules.

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