7. One-Eyed Gentleman

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Percy hummed to herself as she swayed back and forth, a wide grin still spread across her face as the scene from only a few minutes ago replayed over and over again in her head.

'Percy's mind whirled as her eyes widened in shock unanswered questions making her head spin, why was Robin here? But more importantly, how much had he seen?
By the look on his face, he had seen it all. Percy winced, even the mist had its limits it seemed.
The famous partner of the Batman opened his mouth about to ask an endless list of questions Percy couldn't answer. In her panic, the demigod did the first thing she could think of. She snapped.
Eyebrows shooting up in surprise as a dreamy look swept over the boy wonder's face, Percy hadn't been expecting Hazel's lessons with mist manipulation to actually pay off. She had only let her dark-skinned friend teach her because it made the daughter of Pluto happy.
A chuckle of pure disbelief escaped her lips as she waved her free hand in front of the boy wonder's face.
It had worked!! '

In hindsight, she probably should have used the mist to make Robin forget of the whole incident all together but oh well.
Baby steps.

"Why are you so chipper?"

The familiar voice sounding just behind her ear made Percy leap into the air, shivers ran up her spine as she turned to face her uninvited guest.

"Did you know there is this really cool thing called a door, it was invented like a bazillion years ago?" The Red hood or 'Jason' let out a chuckle at her words, his blood-red domino mask covering up the twinkle Percy knew was in his green eyes right now.

"Yes I did, but how else should I make my dramatic entrance, oh fair maiden?" Percy only shook her head in amusement, Red Hood had forgotten to alter his voice even though she had spoken to Jason just this morning.
How is he a crime boss?

"I'm guessing you're here for the bucket you left here the other night?" If Jason took notice of her rather unflattering way of describing his high-tech helmet he didn't show it, only nodding his head.

"Here," Percy turned towards the broom closet that was next to her bathroom, opening the door to reveal his untouched helmet sitting atop one of the shelves. "I hid it in here in case one of my...cousins stopped by. The only one of them that would clean up his mess is currently busy so I knew it would be safe in here."
The mob-boss nodded in understanding, clearly Jason had siblings or cousins of his own.

The two were left in awkward silence as neither were sure what to do or say for that matter.

"Uh, want another cookie?" Jason or Red hood, let out a small chuckle at her mildly awkward request. "Yeah that sounds good."

Percy soundlessly made her way to the kitchen, pulling out a large container and slide it across the counter towards Red hood. "Er— thanks."
Nodding in reply, Percy pulled out two tall glasses and opened the fridge to retrieve some milk to wash down the cookies.
"Hm?" Percy paused before the fridge, an eyebrow raised in question.

The anti-hero/crime-boss/ex-Robin apologetically gestures towards the still open window, "I should probably go...I, Uh, I have things I need to do."

They stared at each other silently for a moment before Red hood began to shuffle towards the waiting window, blue cookie and helmet in hand.
"Goodbye Percy."
"Goodbye Red."

With a final two-fingered salute he was gone, leaving Percy to put away the extra glass with a heavy sigh.
That had been the perfect opportunity to call him by his real name.
'Goodbye Jason.'
But then what was she supposed to say?
'Oh yeah, the Greek goddess of love popped into my room and is trying to hitch us, and she just so happened to show me what you look like...'

"Yeah no." Percy mumbled to herself as she slung open the fridge with her empty glass.
Today had been a long day, she really needed a nice cold refreshing glass of milk and a blue cookie.
She leaned forward to snatch up the container only to be greeted with an empty carton of milk with a bright yellow sticky note attached.

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴 4 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘤𝘶𝘻

"Ah shi—"


Percy hummed to herself as she seemingly thoughtlessly skipped along the dark streets of Gotham towards the corner store down the street.
It was a handy little store that supplied her with her basic necessities like milk, pizza, cookies, and blue food dye.

Was she still pissed at Apollo? Yep.
But she had learned long ago that scolding the sun-god did little to nothing, so Percy was simply power-skipping to blow off her steam.

While some people would find it comforting if gods were 'checking up' on them Percy personally found it annoying. The young demigod wouldn't have minded so much if their 'visits' didn't evolve excess stolen food, dozens of dents in her walls and pop cans littered everywhere.
They could fix it all with a snap of their fingers but they don't!

Percy sighed loudly to herself as she rounded the final corner, only to stop dead in her tracks.

"Well shoot me with an arrow and call me daddy, the dam stores' closed!" She threw her hands up in exasperation.
It's too late to go anywhere else.

A soft chuckle sounded from the alleyway to her left, and if she was normal she probably would have been deeply concerned.
But she isn't, "who's there?" The bored tone of her voice must have amused the person as their chuckle grew just a little bit louder.
It's probably some crackhead.

"That was an odd expression young lady."
The voice was deep, obviously male, and had a slight rasp to it like someone well past their 30s, possibly in their 50s.

She did a mock bow towards the darkness of the alleyway, "I'm glad I amused you."
The demigod stared for a moment, trying to distinguish just where the man actually was, before deciding whoever the man was, he was probably someone Percy didn't want to get to know.
With a final two finger salute, much like the one Red hood did as he left, she turned on her heel and began her walk back towards the comfort of her apartment.


The one eyed man watched in amusement as the little girl walked away, a slight bounce still in her step. She was an odd little thing, and at first glance one would think she was no threat.
Yet at a closer look, one could see the way she held herself the way she walked in full confidence in her abilities, not in arrogance but from experience.

Yes it was almost a pity he had to kill her.


Well what do you guys think so far?

Hehe I'm very excited for where this story is going>:)

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