16. Moving On

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This hasn't been proof read and probably never will be, so I'll give you brownie points for every typo you find;)))

Do you guys remember the Titan's Tower incident?


THE COUPLE TUMBLED THROUGH THE window with little grace, both far too tired to remove their suits in the moment. "I can't believe we got nothing. Three hours of trampling across rooftops, talking to your...lil minions, of you launching us off of buildings and nothing to show for it."

"Welcome to the vigilante life, sweet cheeks," at Percy's glare he let out a small sigh and continued, " I mean we learned something, so I wouldn't call it a waste."

Folding her arms in front of her chest, Percy gave Jason an innocent smile, "and what is that, sweet cheeks?"

"You have a mean left hook," Jason deadpanned, poking gingerly at his black eye.

She only stuck out her tongue at him, feeling not a shred of remorse, "and don't you forget it."

"Are you five?"

Thinking about it for a moment, Percy shrugged, shaking her head, "that would make you like three and your a lil too tall to pass for a three-year-old..."

"You're an ass."

"As a wise man once said, 'I'm your ass'."

With a roll of his eyes, Jason collapsed dramatically onto his couch, "Har har, you're priceless."

Following his lead, Percy joined him on the couch, her body laying on top of his legs. "I know," she added after getting comfy, making Jason scoff.

Gazing up at the ceiling, the demigod let out a huff of air. "This still sucks," she commented, about the failed 'hunt' and now the dinner they were both forced to go to.

Shifting his head so he could gaze down at her, he waved his phone dramatically in the air. "As soon as any of my people have eyes on him we will know."

She hummed in response, her hands reaching out to poke at the veins that decorated Jason's ungloved hand.

"Having fun?" He asked, his tone light.

Once again Percy only hummed, gently pulling at the hairs on his arm, a secret smile on her lips, "you're so hairy..like a Guinea pig."

Letting out a puff of air, Jason quirked a brow, "usually a person's go-to would be a monkey at least, why a Guinea pig?"

"Guess you'll never know."

Changing the subject, Percy twisted her head to glance up at him, "so what's the game plan? I've got a sketchy record thanks to monsters trying to kill me and the mist, so do I-"

He shook his head," they already know."


"Bruce probably already did all his research on you, and since you met Dickie this morning..well the whole family probably knows everything about everything you've ever done. It'll be more suspicious if you pretend you never..uh," he trailed off, his brows furrowed as he levelled her with a look, "what exactly did you do?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she leaned back to rest against his chest, angled so she could carefully watch his reaction, "blew up the St. Louis arch—then jumped off it—attacked three 'old ladies' on a bus—after hijacking it—blew up a volcano, got in a 'gunfight' on a beach with my 'kidnapper'. To say a few."

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