12. Where We Stand

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Taking a deep breath and ignoring the weapons pointed at her threateningly, Percy spoke bluntly. "I'm a demigod."


For a couple tense moments the two only stared at each other. Neither daring to break the heavy silence.
"...okay," Jason spoke, placing both pistols back on the ground.

Blinking at him with a dumbfounded expression, Percy furrowed her eyebrows. "That's it?" She asked in disbelief.

"I mean...I'm shocked yes. You're a fucking demigod, but...I've been friends with Amazons before and that's not..too different? I honestly don't know anymore." Sighing to himself, the antihero laid back on the cold floor.
His thoughts whirling as the newfound truth slowly made more and more sense to him.

"Which god?"



Once again they were both consumed by silence as they both processed the other's words.
And once again, Jason was the first to break it.

"How did you figure out my identity?"

With a sigh Percy slumped back, her shoulders drooping, her exhaustion getting the better of her. "A god basically told me who you were after you left that first night." It was true enough, when Aphrodite had busted into her apartment going off about...fate and whatnot, the goddess had indirectly exposed Jason's identity when her features shifted.
It also didn't help that the goddess was most definitely watching them that very moment. The trident was proof enough of that.

Her inner dialogue was put on pause as Jason let out a defeated sigh.
Percy had never seen him look so...worn out.
"Is that what this whole thing was? You meeting up with me because I'm the fucking Redhood?"
With his eyes closed, he re-clenched his fists, the scowl on his face doing little to hide the pain clearly written on Jason's expression.

"No." He didn't bother to glance over at her. "Jason no, all it did was...make me more interested."

Jason only scoffed at that, the palms of his hands rubbing at his eyes. "Somehow I doubt that, a known crime boss isn't exactly... 'hubby material'." He made air quotes at the last two words.

" 'Hubby material'?" Percy actually laughed. "I'm not going to fucking marry you, it's just not every day you meet a crime boss." She shrugged lamely, to be honest, she still didn't know why she had agreed to meet him at the cafe, or even give him her email.

The man let out a sigh, but no new questions were asked.
So they sat there, in silence, again.

Until the drain from her powers was too much and Percy found herself laying lamely on the floor.
"Uh, are you okay?"

Blinking open her eyes, Percy stared at the man before her for a moment. "Yeah, just tired." As if to prove her point a yawn escaped her throat. "Some...ambrosia and nectar would...help." The words were muttered out as Pervy slowly closed her eyes.

Now slightly alarmed, Jason moved onto his knees and gently shook the demigod. "Percy?" She was already passed out cold. "Oi Percy!"
"Mmh?" Was the only response he got.

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