18. I'm Yelling Timber

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Shoving his hand angrily into the bag, Jason shoved a handful of chips into his mouth.
"Why the fuck did you stab him so soon?" He asked through a mouthful of food, lips drawn back in a frown.

Percy only shrugged, as if it was obvious. "He's your classic attention whore, plus I pretty much figured out what he did—kinda. Didn't want to give him the satisfaction of telling me himself."

He crunched on chips for a moment before huffing out, "Ah shit."


"This is totally what it feels like for the other capes when they work with us."


Jason didn't glance over at his girlfriend, but from her tone he knew she was smiling.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?"


There was a loud crinkling sound as Jason once again ruffled his hand around the bag scooping up chips. He sighed loudly as he shoved them into his mouth, angrily munching.

"So.." Percy began, her tone filled with laughter. As her gaze fixed on the city below and her hand fiddled with the blanket they were sitting on. "..you gonna ask?"

Huffing out another breath of the cool night air, Jason slumped, "fine. What did he 'do'?"

The demigod chuckled "Aww, thanks for asking so nicely." Scooting up, Percy turned to face the dark-haired man. "Octavian said, and I quote, 'my time here has a limit'."

Jason picked up on what she was saying, "so however he came back it had a time limit," Jason summed up before biting back a chuckle. "I love how he devoted his limited second chance to killing you. What exactly happened before he kicked the bucket, the first time I mean."

"Well, he murdered my pillow pet—I made fun of him. He tried to murder my family—he went boom. And thats pretty much it."

"Okay then."

"Yep, anyway, back to what he did," she took a breath, "that leaves what got him back or, what I think is must likely, who. I think he made a deal."

"A deal?" Jason asked, only mildly confused. The All-Caste hadn't exactly included a crash course on all mythology.
All Myths that he knew were either from classic literature, or talks with Bruce when the subject of Amazons came up—meaning he pretty much only knew about the Greeks.

Nodding her head, the demigod waved her hands as she explained, "I'll admit I don't really know the Roman gods, I more took a sort of crash course on them when I first came to the Roman Camp," she winced at that, "not a great time.
"But I did learn about the underworld—seemed smart at the time seeing as monsters were reviving far too fast, so something was very obviously happening down below. We were right, it just didn't have to do with the Roman or Greek gods," she mouthed 'don't ask' before continuing.
"Orcus is the Roman god of the underworld, more representing the quote on quote 'bad aspects' as he is also known as the punisher of broken oaths. The myths say he was known to seek out decedents of the gods that had angered their parents, though he hasn't been heard from for a millennia."

He side-eyed her, "'myths', you don't sound so sure," Jason pointed out.

"I mean, what else would have brought him back to life? People don't just randomly come back."

Jason coughed at that, and Percy simply ignored him.

"Anyway, again Orcus was known to make..deals with the demigods or legacies he tracked down. Mr. Corpse falls into that rather large category."

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