6. Little Bird

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Now, if asked, Percy would say she genuinely enjoyed her job. Sure it was nothing special but it wasn't horrible it was fun at times.
She liked the simplicity it added to her usually chaotic life.
Did Percy still sprint home from work? Yes.

The ravenette was planning on IMing Annabeth as soon as she got home, to talk about...recent events, as well as the trip she was planning to Camp Jupiter that upcoming weekend.

Thinking of which she probably should have called the daughter of Athena as soon as Aphrodite showed up, but... well, Percy wasn't called 'seaweed brain' for nothing,
Things were different now too, however, now that Octavian had shown up.
This was now bigger than her non-existent love-life and a meddling goddess of love.

Lost in thought as she was, Percy came crashing out of her thoughts  as she ran into a man exiting a store, her momentum making them both fall limply onto the hard snowy concrete.
Jumping to her feet with record speed, the ravenette bent down and offered the man a hand with an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry! I-"
"You fucking asshole, watch where you are going!" The man batted her hand and stood to his feet still grumbling curses at her.

With one final vicious glare, the man faded back into the thong of people.

Letting out a sigh of relief at the fact the dude didn't demand to sue her or some shit like that, the demigod quickly began dodging through the thick crowds that made up Gotham's shopping district. Usually, at this time of night, the streets would be more or less empty, however, with Christmas being almost a week away it was one of the few times of the year all Gothamites were out and about at the wee hours.

After a few more close calls of running into people, her building finally came into view and instantly Percy let off a string of curses at Zeus and Hera because what was Percy's day missing? Oh, maybe a 10-foot tall cyclops.

Now, normally Percy wouldn't mind fighting off a cyclops, considering it would only take about 5 minutes of fighting for her life until it was nekrós.
Percy didn't like the fact it was casually leaning against her apartment building, very clearly waiting for her.
Was that normal? No. No, it was not.
It's like it's tracking me.

By the looks the monops was getting, Percy guessed the monster appeared to be some sort of drug-dealing pimp, which low-key suited it.

Pausing just over a block away from both the monster and the building Percy considered her options.
Now the problem wasn't killing it, but how to kill it.
She couldn't just walk up to it and attack it out in the open this late at night, this was Gotham after all territory of the bat.

So that left her with luring it away, or just giving up on her life and moving back to camp never to be seen again by the mortal world.
Luring it away proved to be simple enough, literally all it required Percy to do was show off her beautiful tush then hastily walk into the nearest alleyway before the Cyclopes could clumsily flatten her with a stomp.
This raised another question; if the monops showed no intelligence as the cumbersome monster made its uneven way to pummel her she had to question how in the Hades it had tracked her down.

After all, it was meant for it to be nearly impossible for a monster to follow her scent to her apartment, or so the daughters of Hecate had assured her when they did their magic voodoo.

So if it hadn't arrived on its own someone or something must have—

She was knocked out of her thoughts, literally, as the cumbersome idiot whacked her with his first, sending the demigod flying backward into the wall of the building opposite to where she was standing.

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